Currently, the assumption is that for each Wiktionary, translations are either:
assigned to a sense or
assigned to the lexical entry, but they contain a gloss that describes the "sense" for the specific translations
Unfortunately, this does not allow handling of all translations. In the Spanish Wiktionary, translations are in a single section for the lexentry (so no directly assigned to a sense), but often contain a numeric reference (e.g. "[2]") to identify the sense. dbnary is smart enough to parse these and assign the translation to the sense in that case.
However, not all translations have these numeric sense references and therefore stay linked to the lexentry. These translations are currently lost to WikDict. It would make sense to include these translations with an empty sense/gloss.
Currently, the assumption is that for each Wiktionary, translations are either:
Unfortunately, this does not allow handling of all translations. In the Spanish Wiktionary, translations are in a single section for the lexentry (so no directly assigned to a sense), but often contain a numeric reference (e.g. "[2]") to identify the sense. dbnary is smart enough to parse these and assign the translation to the sense in that case.
However, not all translations have these numeric sense references and therefore stay linked to the lexentry. These translations are currently lost to WikDict. It would make sense to include these translations with an empty sense/gloss.