karlcow / pagination

To discuss about pagination issues on the Web
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No pagination at all #9

Open davidbgk opened 9 years ago

davidbgk commented 9 years ago

Playing Devil's advocate here but the discussion can be interesting :)

You can display a lot of items on the same page, if the page is too heavy that's because you're displaying too much information per item. My take on this is to remove information for old items, the more you scroll the less you have. E.g.: https://larlet.fr/david/blog/

Scrolling is easier that clicking pagination links + you can easily search an article by just using the built-in search of your browser on this unique page.

karlcow commented 9 years ago

Note that some sites do URI pagination with infinite scrolling using window.history.pushState.

nhoizey commented 8 years ago

I think I will remove the pagination on https://nicolas-hoizey.com

Nobody will ever browse more than 80 pages of old posts.