karlkurzer / path_planner

Hybrid A* Path Planner for the KTH Research Concept Vehicle
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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problems about the heuristics and the choose of dx dy dt #27

Closed teddyluo closed 4 years ago

teddyluo commented 4 years ago

hi, @karlkurzer Many thanks for the nice code of your contribution. I have read about the paper and also the code you wrote. In the original paper:

Dolgov, D., Thrun, S., Montemerlo, M., & Diebel, J. (2008). Practical search techniques in path planning for autonomous driving. Ann Arbor, 1001(48105), 18-80.

The authors reported that they used two heuristics: the “non-holonomic-without-obstacles”, and the “holonomic-with-obstacles heuristic”. I saw that the code of the first heuristic (algorithm.cpp, updateH() ) :

    ompl::base::ReedsSheppStateSpace reedsSheppPath(Constants::r);
    State* rsStart = (State*)reedsSheppPath.allocState();
    State* rsEnd = (State*)reedsSheppPath.allocState();
    rsStart->setXY(start.getX(), start.getY());
    rsEnd->setXY(goal.getX(), goal.getY());
    reedsSheppCost = reedsSheppPath.distance(rsStart, rsEnd);

the "authors augmented that it can be fully pre-computed of and then simply translated and rotated to match the current goal"

However, I found that the current implementation does not pre-computed the cost. It always computes it every time the updateH()function is called". This does not correspond to the original paper. Can you provide some ideas for improving?

  // if twoD heuristic is activated determine shortest path
  // unconstrained with obstacles
  if (Constants::twoD && !nodes2D[(int)start.getY() * width + (int)start.getX()].isDiscovered()) {
    //    ros::Time t0 = ros::Time::now();
    // create a 2d start node
    Node2D start2d(start.getX(), start.getY(), 0, 0, nullptr);
    // create a 2d goal node
    Node2D goal2d(goal.getX(), goal.getY(), 0, 0, nullptr);
    // run 2d astar and return the cost of the cheapest path for that node
    nodes2D[(int)start.getY() * width + (int)start.getX()].setG(
      aStar(goal2d, start2d, nodes2D, width, height, configurationSpace, visualization)
    //    ros::Time t1 = ros::Time::now();
    //    ros::Duration d(t1 - t0);
    //    std::cout << "calculated 2D Heuristic in ms: " << d * 1000 << std::endl;

  if (Constants::twoD) {
    // offset for same node in cell
    twoDoffset = sqrt(((start.getX() - (long)start.getX()) - (goal.getX() - (long)goal.getX())) * ((start.getX() - (long)start.getX()) - (goal.getX() - (long)goal.getX())) +
                      ((start.getY() - (long)start.getY()) - (goal.getY() - (long)goal.getY())) * ((start.getY() - (long)start.getY()) - (goal.getY() - (long)goal.getY())));
    twoDCost = nodes2D[(int)start.getY() * width + (int)start.getX()].getG() - twoDoffset;


The authors said that they used the obstacle map to compute the shortest distance to the goal by performing dynamic programming in 2D. I found that the map used in this project is fixed. If I fully understand the algorithm, in the first heuristic the algorithm uses a statistic map for calculation, and then it uses a dynamic map (including moving object) for calculation. Can you provide some reasons of doing so?

"for some nodes, an additional child is generated by computing an optimal Reed-and-Shepp path from the current state to the goal (assuming an obstacle-free environment)"

"For computational reasons, it is not desirable to apply the Reed-Shepp expansion to every node (especially far from the goal, where most such paths are likely to go through obstacles). In our implementation, we used a simple selection rule, where the Reed-Shepp expansion is applied to one of every N nodes, where N decreases as a function of the cost-to-goal heuristic "

And in the current implementation, the child node is created in "algorithm.cpp":

   nSucc = nPred->createSuccessor(i)

where the data type nPred may be Node2D*or Node3D*, and their implementation:

Node2D* Node2D::createSuccessor(const int i) {
  int xSucc = x + Node2D::dx[i];
  int ySucc = y + Node2D::dy[i];
  return new Node2D(xSucc, ySucc, g, 0, this);

the step parameters:

const int Node2D::dx[] = { -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, -1 };
const int Node2D::dy[] = { 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1 };
Node3D* Node3D::createSuccessor(const int i) {
  float xSucc;
  float ySucc;
  float tSucc;

  // calculate successor p ositions forward
  if (i < 3) {//前向 Successor
    xSucc = x + dx[i] * cos(t) - dy[i] * sin(t);
    ySucc = y + dx[i] * sin(t) + dy[i] * cos(t);
    tSucc = Helper::normalizeHeadingRad(t + dt[i]);
  // backwards
  else {//后向 Successor
    xSucc = x - dx[i - 3] * cos(t) - dy[i - 3] * sin(t);
    ySucc = y - dx[i - 3] * sin(t) + dy[i - 3] * cos(t);
    tSucc = Helper::normalizeHeadingRad(t - dt[i - 3]);

  return new Node3D(xSucc, ySucc, tSucc, g, 0, this, i);

and the step parameters:

// R = 6, 6.75 DEG
const float Node3D::dy[] = { 0,        -0.0415893,  0.0415893};
const float Node3D::dx[] = { 0.7068582,   0.705224,   0.705224};
const float Node3D::dt[] = { 0,         0.1178097,   -0.1178097};

// R = 3, 6.75 DEG
//const float Node3D::dy[] = { 0,        -0.0207946, 0.0207946};
//const float Node3D::dx[] = { 0.35342917352,   0.352612,  0.352612};
//const float Node3D::dt[] = { 0,         0.11780972451,   -0.11780972451};

//const float Node3D::dy[] = { 0,       -0.16578, 0.16578};
//const float Node3D::dx[] = { 1.41372, 1.40067, 1.40067};
//const float Node3D::dt[] = { 0,       0.2356194,   -0.2356194};

So my problem is how to calculate the dx , dy , dt? Is there any equations of calculating these values? Additionally, how to correctly choose an adaptive parameters (like R=?, DEG=?) for a given scene? also, if I want to implement "the Reed-Shepp expansion is applied to one of every N nodes", can you provide some ideas for it?

Many thanks.

karlkurzer commented 4 years ago

@teddyluo Thanks for your questions - I'll try to answer them step by step.

  1. I am not entirely sure what they meant by precomputing the heuristic. For a continuous state spaces we would have an indefinite amount of possible solutions. As the start and goal pose can shift. What one could precompute however could be the RS curves based on the center of each cell for a predefined number of headings. Since it was fairly quick to do the calculation online I didn't look deeper into that specific optimization.

  2. Since this is path planning (and not trajectory planning) time and hence moving objects are not being considered. The planner plans only for the current input. The "holonomic-with-obstacles heuristic" is a simple A* run from the goal to the current position of the vehicle.

  3. There are three possible directions, straight, left and right. Each direction is made up by a combination of changes in theta (heading) as well as x and y. This is encoded in the respective vector. if you wanna change the resolution your motion primitives would need to change respectively.

// R = 6, 6.75 DEG
const float Node3D::dy[] = { 0,        -0.0415893,  0.0415893};
const float Node3D::dx[] = { 0.7068582,   0.705224,   0.705224};
const float Node3D::dt[] = { 0, 0.1178097, -0.1178097};
  1. The Dubins Shot/Expansion is already integrated https://github.com/karlkurzer/path_planner/blob/453864b55202283019380a941be50daacb4a06a0/include/constants.h#L43

It can easily be extended to the RS expansion.