karlseguin / http.zig

An HTTP/1.1 server for zig
MIT License
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Question about how pool.zig handles overflow condition, and possible source of a memory leak #17

Closed zigster64 closed 11 months ago

zigster64 commented 11 months ago

What happens when the system is very busy, and the reqResPool in listener.zig gets full ?

Looks like it allocates a new RequestResponsePair in acquire() ... but doesn't add that to the pool's slice of re-usable items.

When release() gets called on the newly allocated RequestResponsePair, it uses some logic to say that if the pool is fully available / unused (available == items.len) then ... deinit() this resource.

Don't know, but maybe that logic should be "if (available == 0)" ?

I think what it is trying to do there is say "IF this item looks like it was newly allocated, because there were no free slots during the call to acquire() ... then assume that case, and then deinit this item"

I think this would become a problem as soon as you have > 1 item that gets acquired after overflow during a burst, and then working out what to do to release them. Whilst the release() code can detect that the pool has overflowed, it has no way of knowing how many new resources are spawned, and therefore has no safe way of knowing how many to deinit()

not sure .. its a bit mind bending :)

Maybe, if that is the intention, then doing this might be cleaner :

That would handle the case where there is a large burst of requests during a pool overflow, and safely clean them all up.

If you try this, then you can see that its definitely leaking acquired resources too :

zigster64 commented 11 months ago

Running with this logic for a while, and see what happens :

pool : https://github.com/zigster64/http.zig/blob/pool-overflow/src/pool.zig#L44-L70

listener : https://github.com/zigster64/http.zig/blob/pool-overflow/src/listener.zig#L71-L83

zigster64 commented 11 months ago

Ah … I see the error of my thinking now :)

was expecting symmetry in the alloc/free when reading the code, but that is not necessarily the case. Interesting.

karlseguin commented 11 months ago

I'm kind of waiting for a generic pool to land in std (I have a feeling I might be waiting for a long time.

There is a multi-threaded unit test that tries to fuzz the pool a little. I've looked the code over and over (I've always had some reservations about it), but it seems fine. I like it because it's simple and compact (a small array).

I have considered making it blocking. The pools for my sqlite and duckdb libraries are similar, but blocking (https://github.com/karlseguin/zqlite.zig/blob/63e2e3bc29877ed6a72e819e74145cedf5066e14/zqlite.zig#L624) and thus enforce a maximum. Maybe opt-in. If you config.pool_max then it uses a blocking variant, else it uses the current implementation?

zigster64 commented 11 months ago

Excellent, thanks

Yeah, what I did for now was extend my http.zig version to pass in a flag to the pool to tell it either grow on demand, or refuse the connection if the pool is full.

I guess the library could introduce a range of flags in the config to allow fine tuning explicit behaviour.

Local testing with hitting it hard, can see it refusing connections rather than allocating more resReq pairs when it gets very full. This is perfect for what I have in mind using this lib, and effectively blocks the sort of DOS probes that I am seeing on AWS.

Running that up with these options for the next week, expecting to get much closer to completely flat line with no leaks :)

Also played with my app a little bit - shrunk down some of the audio assets, and hand-tuned the buffer sizes to reduce any wasted space. Whole application + webserver consumes just over 24MB, and doesn't grow. Quite amazing really :)

karlseguin commented 11 months ago

I'm testing the pool_limit branch.

Rather than a single pool_size configuration, it's now:

.pool = .{
  .min = 20,   // what pool_size used to be
  .max = 500, // won't allocate more than this (put differently, it will allocate up to 480 more beyond min)
  .timeout = 5000 // when we have `max` connection, wait up to this long, in ms, for an item to be freed

If timeout is exceeded, the server will reply with a 503.

I updated the readme to explain this a little better. To me, the important point is: it's hard to know what to set these to. For apps that aren't waiting on IO, the best performance will come when min == max == # of cores. But with HTTP keepalive, this can easily result in 503s.

I suspect (and hope), most people are running this behind a reverse proxy like NGINX for TLS termination. So this adds another dimension since the keepalive can now become long lived. I believe it's better to manage as much of this in NGINX / the reverse proxy as possible. Timeouts, keepalive counts, limits can all be better tuned in NGINX. When async lands, I'm willing to look at all those things in more detail.

I'll merge into master later this week if it seems to be working ok.

zigster64 commented 11 months ago

Cool, that sounds well thought out. I will give it a run.

Im starting to think that what Im seeing as a slow "memory leak" may actually be memory fragmentation using the generalPurposeAllocator + arena. I have tuned my app so that there are no explicit allocations + it rejects new connections when the pool is full.

It climbs a small amount each day ... and dips every now and then as memory is released. Overall trend is to grow at a slow but steady rate.

Measuring max_rss before and after each handleConnection, and logging any growth (yeah I know - the overhead of instrumenting an app can also be a cause of memory consumption too !!) - what Im seeing is every now and then it will grab 12kb or 16kb during a burst of garbage requests that all terminate with a 404. I dont know yet whether those garbage requests contain large payloads .... not measuring that yet.

We are only talking about 1-2 MB a day though. Not sure, its hard to tell exactly.

What I might do about them is to auto-ban IP addresses that request a lot of garbage URLs ... just for fun. Whats the best way do you think to compute the remote IP address of the client ?

karlseguin commented 11 months ago

I merged the branch.

I added req.address which is a net.std.Address.

Though, if you have a reverse proxy infront of http.zig, this will only give you the remove proxy's address, since the TCP connection is between that proxy and the http.zig listener. Normally this is solved by having the reverse proxy forward the client IP in a header, like x-forwarded-for. In that case you can use the existing req.header.

zigster64 commented 11 months ago

I think we are done now :)

Upgraded to latest, and used the fine tuning options to really fine tune the memory usage on my app. Ran this up on AWS for the last 4 days as well as on local mac osx for the last 4 days.

On local mac - the memory consumption was around 24MB, is now 2MB. This is good ! I cant do anything on local to make that grow - test hitting it with 1m requests, and everything is fine

On AWS - its quite difficult to get a straight answer on that. Using rusage inside the app shows that its stable on 10260kb., whilst getting hit reasonably hard with all sorts of script kiddie attacks.

Using pmap -x PID from the EC2 instance shows 11460164 bytes used, which is slightly more. Health graph on the container shows it growing very very slowly (which may be the whole container, which has nothing to do with the zig code)

Either way, the AWS graph show that the whole thing is using hardly any memory, which is great.

Just for the record then - graph shows the app before the last update, then a reboot with the latest http.zig code + memory fine tuning using the pool vars. The 2nd graph is obvious way less memory, and the slope of the 2nd line appears to be smaller than the 1st line.


Happy to mark this as closed if you want

zigster64 commented 11 months ago

Also - with the nginx frontending thing, thats not really an option of me in my intended use case for the library.

I will be using it as an embedded webserver inside a GUI app for a multi-player system that runs on the user's machine, and serves local players via a web client on the local network.

I can live without TLS termination for a while I think. Would be a nice-to-have to add TLS termination into the http library, though that is non-trivial to achieve from what I have seen.

karlseguin commented 11 months ago

https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/14171 is the issue to watch for. Once that arrives, should be able to add TLS.