karlstav / cava

Cross-platform Audio Visualizer
MIT License
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Cava ignores the config file #559

Closed KittyCinnamon closed 1 month ago

KittyCinnamon commented 2 months ago

i've installed cava, everything went smoothly, it works just right, so i decided to customize it and read some guides online, the thing is, when i opened the config file was empty so i copy-pasted a code i found on git, for the basic config of cava, i then tried to change the colors accordin to the Rosè Pine palette, but it doesn't work, it keeps beign white on black. i don't know what i am doing wrong i i can't find the solution online.

Skyfighter64 commented 2 months ago

I don't think the default config file should ever be empty, make sure you are using the right path ('/home/[username]/.config/cava/config)

You can also try to specify your custom configuration manually using cava -p /path/to/your/config.

All of this, and even more is documented in the README.md file, maybe something there helps you fixing your problem.

karlstav commented 2 months ago

remove the semicolon before the lines you need to change maybe?