karlvlam / sebrina

Sebrina Sebrina Sebrina ...
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恭喜你地:"花燭筵開", "美滿良緣", "佳兒佳婦", "宜室宜家", "相敬如賓", "珠聯壁合" #10

Open angusonesky opened 7 years ago

angusonesky commented 7 years ago
var wordsByLanguage = [
    "lang": "zh_hk",
    "words": [
      "天作之合", "相親相愛", "永浴愛河", "緣訂三生",
      "佳偶天成", "百年偕老", "喜慶洞房", "樂賦唱隨",
      "君子好逑", "唱隨諧樂", "喜耦天成", "美滿姻緣",
      "佳兒佳婦", "宜室宜家", "相敬如賓", "珠聯壁合",
      "德業同修", "螽斯衍慶", "瓜瓞延綿", "月圓花好",
      "五世其昌", "鴻案相莊", "心心相印", "良緣夙締",
      "花燭筵開", "美滿良緣", "三星在戶", "琴瑟友之",
      "郎才女貌", "縷結同心", "詩詠好述", "風美河洲",
      "美滿家庭", "愛情結晶", "情聯鸞鳳", "鸞鳳和鳴",
      "親愛精誠", "琴瑟賡和", "白首偕老", "喜溢華堂",
      "永結同心", "百年好合", "歡迎淑女", "琴瑟在御",
      "百年琴瑟", "比翼雙飛", "花好月圓", "天緣巧合",
      "金石同心", "鐘鼓樂之", "夫唱婦隨", "蓮花並蒂",
      "鳳凰于飛", "舉案齊眉", "愛之永恒", "佳偶密月",
      "情聯碧合", "如鼓琴瑟", "白頭偕老", "麟趾呈祥",
      "笙磬同音", "才子佳人", "宜爾室家", "永在愛中",
      "藍田種玉", "福祿鴛鴦", "關睢誌喜", "書稱釐降",
      "花開並蒂", "亦繩繫足", "玉樹良枝", "甜蜜的愛",
      "並蒂長生", "天賜良緣", "神山眷屬", "同德同心",
      "化始二南", "情投意合", "珠聯壁合", "錦繡龍鳳"
    "lang": "zh_tw",
    "words": [
    "lang": "en_us",
    "words": [
      "Happy Wedding!",
      "Blessings fill every house!",
      "Always be in love!",
      "Have a hearty marriage life!",
      "May Heaven and Earth bless the couple!",
      "Together Forever!",
      "God bless your love and marriage.",
      "God bless you with love and happiness.",
      "May every passing day bring more joy your way ... Congratulations on your wedding and wish you a wonderful life ahead!",
      "Wishing you a blissful life ahead that's just the right blend of love, understanding, fun, and romance. Congratulations on your wedding day!",
      "May the love in your hearts grow manifold and the beautiful bond that you share grow stronger with each passing day. Heartfelt congratulations to the perfect couple!",
      "Even when there are storms in the ocean of life, may your unwavering love for each other help you sail through. Congratulations on your wedding!",
      "This is a small note to congratulate you on your wedding. Here's wishing you a blissful life ahead, filled with love, happiness, and joy!!",
      "May your undying love for each other shine bright forever... Congratulations to the perfect couple on their wedding day!!"

function print(count) {
  while(true) {
      for (var i=0; i<count; i++) {
        console.log(lang.words[Math.floor(Math.random()*lang.words.length)] +"\n")

if (process.argv.length != 3) {
  console.error("OOps... Please include print count in argument.")


yup. not handled all cases. so what !? Congrats @karlvlam

chakming commented 7 years ago


chakming commented 7 years ago


chakming commented 7 years ago


chakming commented 7 years ago


chakming commented 7 years ago


chakming commented 7 years ago


chakming commented 7 years ago


chakming commented 7 years ago


chakming commented 7 years ago


chakming commented 7 years ago


karlvlam commented 7 years ago

Thank you!!! 早啲到!