karma-runner / grunt-karma

Grunt plugin for Karma.
MIT License
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start the server with grunt? #129

Open nofear87 opened 9 years ago

nofear87 commented 9 years ago

Is it possible to start the server with the grunt default task?

for exmaple in this way:

grunt.registerTask('default', ['karma:unit:start','open','concurrent:watchconnect']);

dignifiedquire commented 9 years ago

Yes that should be no problem, have you tried it?

LukasKraushofer commented 9 years ago

It's not working for me!

karma version: 0.13.7 grunt-karma version: 0.12.0

If I have a grunt Task like grunt.registerTask('test', ['karma:unit:start', 'watch:karma']); nothing happens. The first printed line in the console is

Running "watch:karma" (watch) task

the watch is working and is showing me which file has been changed and after 1 sec the console prints Done, without errors. even if there is a error inside the test file....

Here the Gruntfile tasks:


    watch: {
        karma: {
            files: ['<%= yeoman.app %>/**/*.spec.js', 'test/karma/**/*.js'],
            tasks: ['karma:continuous:run']

    karma: {
        options: {
            configFile: 'karma.conf.js'
        unit: {
            singleRun: true


grunt.registerTask('test', ['karma:unit:start','watch:karma']);

and the karma.conf.js

module.exports = function (config) {

        basePath: '',

        files: [
            // bower:js
            // endbower

        exclude: [],

        autoWatch: false,

        frameworks: ['jasmine'],

        browsers: ['PhantomJS'],

        preprocessors: {
            '**/*.html': 'ng-html2js',
            'app/**/*!(.spec).js': 'coverage'

        reporters: ['progress', 'junit', 'coverage'],

        logLevel: config.LOG_INFO,

        singleRun: false,

        junitReporter: {
            outputDir: 'target/surefire-reports',
            suite: ''
        coverageReporter: {
            dir: 'target/coverage/',
            reporters: [
                { type: 'cobertura', subdir: '.', file: 'cobertura.xml'},
                { type: 'lcov', subdir: '.', file: 'lcov.info'}
        ngHtml2JsPreprocessor: {
            stripPrefix: 'app/',
            moduleName: 'template'
