When I start grunt-karma via grunt watch it takes 30 seconds before grunt will start detecting any file changes.
If I use karma's built-in watch system: grunt karma:watch, then files changes are detected right after launch without any delay.
Such delay on start of grunt-contrib-watch doesn't happen with other grunt plugins: grunt-contrib-less, grunt-contrib-concat, grunt-typescript, only happens with grunt-karma.
When I start grunt-karma via
grunt watch
it takes 30 seconds before grunt will start detecting any file changes.If I use karma's built-in watch system:
grunt karma:watch
, then files changes are detected right after launch without any delay.Such delay on start of grunt-contrib-watch doesn't happen with other grunt plugins: grunt-contrib-less, grunt-contrib-concat, grunt-typescript, only happens with grunt-karma.
My OS is Windows 8.
Here's my gruntfile: