Closed pflannery closed 10 years ago
In the documentation here it says that we can override the browsers array with different browser specs but I've found that it's only merging them.
So if I have
karma: { options: { runnerPort: 9999, browsers: ['Chrome', 'Firefox'] }, continuous: { singleRun: true, browsers: ['PhantomJS'] } }
and I run grunt karma:continuous I end up with
grunt karma:continuous
['PhantomJS', 'Firefox']
Only browsers[0] from continuous gets overridden but browsers[1] from options is left intact.
Can I suggest changing this line here to:
data = _.merge(options, data) data.browsers =;
I can PR if there isn't something I'm missing?
@Dignifiedquire great thanks!
In the documentation here it says that we can override the browsers array with different browser specs but I've found that it's only merging them.
So if I have
and I run
grunt karma:continuous
I end up withOnly browsers[0] from continuous gets overridden but browsers[1] from options is left intact.
Can I suggest changing this line here to:
I can PR if there isn't something I'm missing?