karmada-io / karmada

Open, Multi-Cloud, Multi-Cluster Kubernetes Orchestration
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In pull mode, can karmada be able to get pod logs and exec pod like kubeedge #1568

Closed prodanlabs closed 1 year ago

prodanlabs commented 2 years ago

I personally think there are many similarities between pull mode and kubeedge edge, can karmada learn from kubeedge to enhance pull mode, e.g. get pod logs, exec pod. What do you think :)

lonelyCZ commented 2 years ago

Cool, directly access to pod from control plane, it can collaborate with karmadactl get.


karmadactl logs <pod-name> -n <namespace> -c <cluster-name>
karmadactl exec pod <pod-name> -n <namespace> -c <cluster-name>
lonelyCZ commented 2 years ago

I am still interested in this feature, but I don't know actual needs of customers. Look forward to more discussions in this issue.

RainbowMango commented 2 years ago

@prodanlabs I'm not sure I understand you correctly, can you give an example or more details about the use case?

prodanlabs commented 2 years ago

I am still interested in this feature, but I don't know actual needs of customers. Look forward to more discussions in this issue.

I also think it's a nice feature, as it was discussed on kubeedge and a lot of people love it.

prodanlabs commented 2 years ago

@prodanlabs I'm not sure I understand you correctly, can you give an example or more details about the use case?

Now the karmada control plane is unable to get the pod logs of the member cluster (pull mode) like

karmadactl logs <pod-name> -n <namespace> -c <cluster-name>

or pods that cannot be entered into a member cluster (pull mode) via on the karmada control plane

karmadactl exec pod <pod-name> -n <namespace> -c <cluster-name> 
lonelyCZ commented 2 years ago

My understand that for pull mode cluster, it is like Node that is One-sided communicate with control plane. For kubeedge, it seemingly erect a tunnel to access nodes.

prodanlabs commented 2 years ago

Like in the cloud kubedge can use kubectl exec -it <pod_name> to enter the pod of the edge node

prodanlabs commented 2 years ago

My understand that for pull mode cluster, it is like Node that is One-sided communicate with control plane. For kubeedge, it seemingly erect a tunnel to access nodes.

Yes, that's right

lonelyCZ commented 2 years ago

But now, we also need to access apiserver of member cluster by third-party networking tools like ANP. Similarly, we also need to erect a extra tunnel to access pod.

RainbowMango commented 2 years ago

Yes, I like the feature.

prodanlabs commented 2 years ago

kubeedge does a lot of work on the cloud-edge network link, so this functionality is relatively easy for kubeedge. How does karmada implement this function elegantly, I currently have no good solution.

lonelyCZ commented 2 years ago

I think we need a network plugin that can support to access directly to nodes from control plane. This plugin can be installed according to the user's choice.

lonelyCZ commented 2 years ago

I have interest to research this function.

GitHubxsy commented 2 years ago

But now, we also need to access apiserver of member cluster by third-party networking tools like ANP. Similarly, we also need to erect a extra tunnel to access pod.

After the APIServer is connected, the pod can be accessed. Am I misunderstood?

GitHubxsy commented 2 years ago


If the network problem is caused by the internal cluster, the problem should be solved in cluster instead of karmada.

lonelyCZ commented 2 years ago

After the APIServer is connected, the pod can be accessed. Am I misunderstood?

There seems other port to access containers of pod for logs and exec commands rather than through apiserver.

refer https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/cluster-administration/logging/

XiShanYongYe-Chang commented 2 years ago

We can logs and exec through clusters/proxy, why other port to access containers of pod?

lonelyCZ commented 2 years ago

We can logs and exec throuth clusters/proxy, why other port to access containers of pod?

I don't know the exact mechanism yet. I am going to research it in this time, perhaps we can discuss it in next community meeting.

RainbowMango commented 2 years ago

Thanks @lonelyCZ . /assign @lonelyCZ

lonelyCZ commented 2 years ago


If the network problem is caused by the internal cluster, the problem should be solved in cluster instead of karmada.

I agree with it!

I found that get logs of container in kubernetes only accessing api (like api/v1/namespaces/default/pods/nginx-6799fc88d8-9mpxn/log?container=nginx) that internally implements a set of methods to get logs.

In Kubeedge, because it cuts some of the functionality of K8S, it needs to implement log collection by itself. It redirects the interface for getting logs to its own implementation by modifying iptables .

So if logs are normally accessible in a member cluster, they can be accessed at a multi-cloud level using 'cluster-proxy'.

I implement a demo at #1597

lonelyCZ commented 2 years ago

I think we only introduce getlogsexecdescribe command to karmadactl, which can easily view the status of member clusters. We don't need to change the status of member clusters from karmada control plane, so there is no need to introduce other commands.

And the commands are optional for user, if you don't use karmadactl, you only need to configurate kubectl to support cluster-proxy.

What do you think? @GitHubxsy

GitHubxsy commented 2 years ago

@lonelyCZ Can we directly reuse kubectl? 1、kubectl binary(Tell kubectl binary path) 2、Reference the kubectl code.(Can we?) image

In multi-cluster scenarios, you can run the kubectl command multiple times. image

Karmada enable kubectl. It supports all the original commands of kubectl. Karmactl supports kubectl as a multi-cluster command tool.

Maybe we can reference gorunner's idea.

kubeconfig Format:

apiVersion: v1
- cluster:
    insecure-skip-tls-verify: true
    server: https://x.x.x.x:5443/apis/cluster.karmada.io/v1alpha1/cluster/member1/proxy
  name: member1
- cluster:
    insecure-skip-tls-verify: true
    server: https://x.x.x.x:5443/apis/cluster.karmada.io/v1alpha1/cluster/member2/proxy
  name: member2
- context:
    cluster: member1
    user: karmada-admin
  name: member1
- context:
    cluster: member2
    user: karmada-admin
  name: member2
current-context: ""
kind: Config
preferences: {}
- name: karmada-admin
    client-certificate: fake-cert-file
    client-key: fake-key-file
lonelyCZ commented 2 years ago

Hi, @GitHubxsy , the scheme is cool, but I think we don't need to support all commands from kubectl in karmadactl.

We only introduce most frequently-used command to karmadactl to view the status of member clusters, we don't need to change the status of member clusters.

It is not recommended to use the karmadactl command to modify resources in member clusters, that is more used for controlling resources in karmada control plane, like taint cluster

Karmada enable kubectl. It supports all the original commands of kubectl. Karmactl supports kubectl as a multi-cluster command tool.

When we add a new cluster, we still need to modify the Kubeconfig file, so I think this is better left to the user to configure and use kubectl to operate each cluster.

GitHubxsy commented 2 years ago

Hi, @GitHubxsy , the scheme is cool, but I think we don't need to support all commands from kubectl in karmadactl.

We only introduce most frequently-used command to karmadactl to view the status of member clusters, we don't need to change the status of member clusters.

It is not recommended to use the karmadactl command to modify resources in member clusters, that is more used for controlling resources in karmada control plane, like taint cluster

Karmada enable kubectl. It supports all the original commands of kubectl. Karmactl supports kubectl as a multi-cluster command tool.

When we add a new cluster, we still need to modify the Kubeconfig file, so I think this is better left to the user to configure and use kubectl to operate each cluster.

The kubeconfig file is generated by karmadactl and is stored in the temporary directory.