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binding reference key hash collision #2071

Closed likakuli closed 1 year ago

likakuli commented 1 year ago

What happened:

work in different namespace with same binding reference key will affect each other which will result to the related work to be deleted and created continuously.

What you expected to happen:

work with same binding reference key NOT affect each other.

How to reproduce it (as minimally and precisely as possible): create two rb: rb1: resourcebinding.karmada.io/name: test16-4-deployment resourcebinding.karmada.io/namespace: ecp-stress-test-15870

rb2: esourcebinding.karmada.io/name: test23-3-configmap resourcebinding.karmada.io/namespace: ecp-stress-test-22982

check whether the works created by the two rb run as expected.

Anything else we need to know?: The root cause is that rb use ResourceBindingReferenceKey label which is generated by calculate a hash value using rb's namespace and name to find its related work. But the hash may collision, so if there are two rb and two work in two namespaces and the hash is same, then the binding controller will treat works created not by itself as orphan works and delete them.




RainbowMango commented 1 year ago

create two rb: rb1: resourcebinding.karmada.io/name: test16-4-deployment resourcebinding.karmada.io/namespace: ecp-stress-test-15870

rb2: esourcebinding.karmada.io/name: test23-3-configmap resourcebinding.karmada.io/namespace: ecp-stress-test-22982

Do you mean rb1(ecp-stress-test-15870/test16-4-deployment) and rb2(ecp-stress-test-22982/test23-3-configmap) will share same hash value? By GenerateBindingReferenceKey.

RainbowMango commented 1 year ago

Answer by myself: I added two tests as follows and reproduced it:

diff --git a/pkg/util/names/names_test.go b/pkg/util/names/names_test.go
index 5ccab0d5..a8fb243a 100644                                          
--- a/pkg/util/names/names_test.go                                       
+++ b/pkg/util/names/names_test.go                                       
@@ -102,6 +102,14 @@ func TestGenerateBindingReferenceKey(t *testing.T) {
                        name:      "mytest-deployment",                  
                        namespace: "",                                   
+               {                                                        
+                       name:      "test16-4-deployment",
+                       namespace: "ecp-stress-test-15870",
+               },
+               {
+                       name:      "test23-3-configmap",
+                       namespace: "ecp-stress-test-22982",
+               },
        result := map[string]struct{}{}
        for _, tt := range tests {
go test .\pkg\util\names\ -run=GenerateBindingReferenceKey
--- FAIL: TestGenerateBindingReferenceKey (0.00s)
    --- FAIL: TestGenerateBindingReferenceKey/test23-3-configmap (0.00s)
        names_test.go:119: duplicate key found 665ddd4546
FAIL    github.com/karmada-io/karmada/pkg/util/names    0.333s
likakuli commented 1 year ago

We resolve it temporarily by adding rb's namespace and name info to work's label and update all places that use hash to get work.

RainbowMango commented 1 year ago

:) Actually, in the previous version we also use RB's namespace and name to label Work, but the length of label is restricted to <=64 that the binding's name might exceed. That's exactly the reason why we tend to hash.

RainbowMango commented 1 year ago

I've no idea how to solve it yet. cc guys who might be interested in it. @Garrybest @halfrost

likakuli commented 1 year ago

can use RB's UID as unique key add to Work's label?

RainbowMango commented 1 year ago

can use RB's UID as unique key add to Work's label?

That's an option I guess. Before making the decision, I wonder to know :

likakuli commented 1 year ago

Or we can get work by hash label first and then filter it by its binding info in annotation

Garrybest commented 1 year ago

Emmm, I didn't expect we have met a coincidence here. Kubernetes also uses hash32 to generate podTemplate Hash or pod name Hash.

Garrybest commented 1 year ago

The origin namespace and name could be added into annotations, this field does not have a length restriction.

RainbowMango commented 1 year ago

The origin namespace and name could be added into annotations, this field does not have a length restriction.

The namespace and name are already in Work annotations, but we didn't use them. https://github.com/karmada-io/karmada/blob/4a243f447aa253ab7ec9e27d8830469c3ae0bdb1/pkg/controllers/binding/common.go#L203-L204

RainbowMango commented 1 year ago

Or we can get work by hash label first and then filter it by its binding info in annotation

I agree with it if you mean the resourcebinding.karmada.io/name and resourcebinding.karmada.io/namespace in Work object, like

    - apiVersion: apps/v1
      kind: Deployment
          resourcebinding.karmada.io/name: nginx-deployment
          resourcebinding.karmada.io/namespace: default
chaunceyjiang commented 1 year ago

If use annotation, is it easy for existing users to upgrade?

RainbowMango commented 1 year ago

If use annotation, is it easy for existing users to upgrade?

Good thinking! No compatibility issue here, as we won't change the hash value and just adds the filter to avoid the collision.

Garrybest commented 1 year ago

Or we can get work by hash label first and then filter it by its binding info in annotation

I agree with it if you mean the resourcebinding.karmada.io/name and resourcebinding.karmada.io/namespace in Work object, like

    - apiVersion: apps/v1
      kind: Deployment
          resourcebinding.karmada.io/name: nginx-deployment
          resourcebinding.karmada.io/namespace: default

+1, double check could fix this issue.

chaunceyjiang commented 1 year ago

If use annotation, is it easy for existing users to upgrade?

Good thinking! No compatibility issue here, as we won't change the hash value and just adds the filter to avoid the collision.


Can I try to fix this issue?

chaunceyjiang commented 1 year ago
apiVersion: work.karmada.io/v1alpha1
kind: Work
    resourcebinding.karmada.io/name: local-hostpath-pvc-persistentvolumeclaim
    resourcebinding.karmada.io/namespace: default
  creationTimestamp: "2022-06-28T02:25:18Z"
  - karmada.io/execution-controller
  generation: 1
    resourcebinding.karmada.io/key: 6997fb46d8
  name: local-hostpath-pvc-6997fb46d8
  namespace: karmada-es-k8s-node3
  resourceVersion: "802232"
  uid: 52acc10f-6e45-410d-8936-debcebcc011e
    - apiVersion: v1
      kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
          kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration: |
          resourcebinding.karmada.io/name: local-hostpath-pvc-persistentvolumeclaim
          resourcebinding.karmada.io/namespace: default
          resourcetemplate.karmada.io/uid: b80314a1-b109-4e58-a77f-ae2e7a267b6a
          propagationpolicy.karmada.io/name: nginx-propagation
          propagationpolicy.karmada.io/namespace: default
          resourcebinding.karmada.io/key: 6997fb46d8
          work.karmada.io/name: local-hostpath-pvc-6997fb46d8
          work.karmada.io/namespace: karmada-es-k8s-node3
        name: local-hostpath-pvc
        namespace: default
        - ReadWriteOnce
            storage: 5G
        storageClassName: openebs-hostpath

@RainbowMango Wait a minute. I think you mean is to use .spec.workload.manifests[*].metadata.annotations why not use .metadata.annotations

RainbowMango commented 1 year ago

@chaunceyjiang Sure you can take it. /assign @chaunceyjiang

And you are right, we should use the annotations from .metadata.annotations.

kind: Work
    resourcebinding.karmada.io/name: nginx-deployment
    resourcebinding.karmada.io/namespace: default
likakuli commented 1 year ago

Name collision happens both for rb and work.

For rb, its name is generated by original resource object name and kind, so if there are two resources with same name and kind but different group version info in same namespace, the rb's name will be same too.

For work, its name is generated by original resource object namespace, name and rb's hash. Namespace, Name and hash can be same at the same time for different original resource object, so the work's name can be same too.

All the places to create or update rb or work is called by CreateOrUpdate function which will result to override when name collision happens. It's dangerous.

chaunceyjiang commented 1 year ago

For rb, its name is generated by original resource object name and kind, so if there are two resources with same name and kind but different group version info in same namespace, the rb's name will be same too.



Seems to get the preferred veriosn, maybe the resource has only one version

RainbowMango commented 1 year ago

yeah, exactly like what @chaunceyjiang said. We only take the preferred version. That means even user created a v1beta1 we take it as the v1(like Deoployment).

likakuli commented 1 year ago

kind can also be same in different group. e.g. openkruise advanced statefulset's kind is statefulset and k8s also have a statefulset kind.


XiShanYongYe-Chang commented 1 year ago

kind can also be same in different group. e.g. openkruise advanced statefulset's kind is statefulset and k8s also have a statefulset kind.

If so, there may indeed be a problem.

XiShanYongYe-Chang commented 1 year ago

@dddddai also mentioned in the comment https://github.com/karmada-io/karmada/issues/2090#issuecomment-1170660576

This is a new issue for the current issue. Maybe we can create a new issue to track it.

likakuli commented 1 year ago

This is a new issue for the current issue. Maybe we can create a new issue to track it.

agree, i will open a new issue

likakuli commented 1 year ago
