karol-f / vue-custom-element

Vue Custom Element - Web Components' Custom Elements for Vue.js
MIT License
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Efficient use of multiple custom elements in a single project #218

Open micdobro opened 4 years ago

micdobro commented 4 years ago

First - great project which enables me to nicely transition from jQuery to Vue without a need of total rewrite on day one.


At this point I have one custom element: bees. I would like to develop now horses and cows - and drop them in on the hybrid project (that uses jQuery for current prod).

Each animal has its own custom-element project - and that means I will get:

Vendor files will obviously contain Vue.js & co - and including them all will result in including the same base libs multiple times.

How to tackle this problem? I could in theory smash everything into just one big app and do in main.js:

Vue.customElement('vue-bees', BeesApp)
Vue.customElement('vue-horses', HorsesApp)
Vue.customElement('vue-cows', CowsApp)

and that would work. Although it would mean also that everything is crammed into one project (and one repo) - somehow resulting in a mess.

What is the best strategy for doing that?

As I wrote in the beginning - custom-element has the potential of being one of the best approaches when transitioning from jQuery into Vue. I don't have enough knowledge in the Vue-area to help documenting that - but I think it would be super cool to extend the documentation with this scenario (and I will gladly contribute with my findings, working configs etc. afterwards). Thanks!

karol-f commented 4 years ago

Hi, as I'm currently out till next week I will just give You a hint - use one app with custom elements loaded lazily (like in last example from demo) - that way you won't have duplicated dependencies and load only what is needed.

micdobro commented 4 years ago

I think I know what you mean - create one "master project" to bind them all - and use the lazy load feature. This way I can bundle one app and one vendor file - and let the client side decide what should be loaded on a given page. The rest irrelevant - because only the right stuff will be loaded.

Although that poses another question - what happens when I deploy new version? (does webpack/sth else handle it automatically?)

To sum up - it's the boilerplate code I am stuck with - I will be glad to wait for your suggestion as I would really like to keep all components in separate repositories (based on that I will be glad to contribute and document this pattern - as I mentioned before - based on my research this is the cleanest way of adding the Vue sauce into the jQuery soup and start going away from it).

my9074 commented 3 years ago

@karol-f This is also my application scenario. Build a library based on vue-custom-element packaged as one bunlde js, which contains multiple custom-element. After the user refers to this bunlde, he can use different custom-element as needed. But I am not sure if it supports.


// lib, build as one bundle.js
Vue.customElement('custom-el-1', Custom1);
Vue.customElement('custom-el-2', Custom2);
Vue.customElement('custom-el-3, Custom3);


<script src="path/to/bundle.js"></script>

<custom-el-1 ...prop></custom-el-1>
<custom-el-2 ...prop2></custom-el-2>
<custom-el-3 ...prop2></custom-el-3>