[x] Revise the two state diagrams 1B and 1C for their own respective feedbacks. (I'm working on this now ~efe)
[x] Diagram is not very readable, improve formatting, omit orange boxes and put that info in the arrows? (I'm working on this now ~efe)
[x] Implement the implication rules with explicit representations for antecedent, consequent, and trurth val.
[x] Also add the implication rule results to why the restaurant was picked.
[ ] Dont care doesnt work properly (good to look at the feedback for 1C) "extracting preferences for sentences like "Any price is ok" seems to work poorly "
Efe: I tried but the only issue I can find is: after "cheap, south, any food type is good" input does not lead to food:all in the system
[ ] Add 2-3 new implication rules (he said he'll give some extra points for that) (low priority)
[x] "I am not sure about the results" should change. The system should say which preferences are missing.
[x] "In general try to improve the user interface."
[x] in all files, when you import module, explain in comments why it is used