karolsluszniak / ex_check

One task to efficiently run all code analysis & testing tools in an Elixir project. Born out of 💜 to Elixir and pragmatism.
MIT License
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Compiler error 13 #34

Open flupke opened 1 year ago

flupke commented 1 year ago

Thanks for this great tool, really useful.

I started getting these errors when running mix check too quickly after switching from neovim to the console (which in my setup auto saves all opened buffers):

$ mix check

=> running compiler

=> reprinting errors from compiler

=> finished in 0:00

 ✕ compiler error code 13 in 0:00

I upgraded to elixir 1.14.0 and added the auto save roughly at the same time so both could be the cause.

karolsluszniak commented 1 year ago

Hello & thanks for the kind words. As to the issue, I guess you'd have to do more debugging as to how this relates to your setup - does your editor run any of mix commands on save (e.g. formatter or language server), and then potentially to dig on this error 13 code - maybe even filing a bug for Elixir since error code without error may be considered a bug.

Before that you could rule out if it's ex_check-related by just running what ex_check runs straight from the console to see if the same behaviour will be observed. So run mix compile --warnings-as-errors --force in place of mix check and check out what happens.

flupke commented 1 year ago

Actually it has nothing to do with the editor, I can reproduce the bug just by running mix check twice on a codebase that has errors, even with the editor closed.

When mix check tries to run only the failed checks I get this error, and the next time I run it it re-runs all the checks.

mix compile --warnings-as-errors --force works fine (as are all other checks when run individually), I can only reproduce the error when mix check is in retry state.