karolsluszniak / ex_check

One task to efficiently run all code analysis & testing tools in an Elixir project. Born out of 💜 to Elixir and pragmatism.
MIT License
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Check for unused dependencies #35

Closed bitboxer closed 1 year ago

bitboxer commented 1 year ago

Maybe this is a nice addition to the list of things ex_check is checking:

mix deps.unlock --check-unused

This checks if the "mix.lock" file has unused dependencies.

karolsluszniak commented 1 year ago

Hey. It's already there: as unused_deps in curated tools. Please reopen if I've missed sth. :)

bitboxer commented 1 year ago

Ah sorry, somehow I missed this :(

karolsluszniak commented 1 year ago

No worries, it reminded me to attend to the repo at just the right time as I struggled to find time in last few weeks and tests on master need to finally get fixed.