karolzak / ipyplot

IPyPlot is a small python package offering fast and efficient plotting of images inside Python Notebooks. It's using IPython with HTML for faster, richer and more interactive way of displaying big numbers of images.
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[Bug] Different type checking for same-size vs different size images in group #39

Closed kretes closed 2 years ago

kretes commented 2 years ago

First of all - thanks for the lib, it is really nice and helpful!

I first came across a strange thing, which is a different working of the library when I pass data as imageIO images. Although they are numpy arrays - I think they aren't recognized correctly by the library, but this only affects the situation when the passed images are of diverse shapes.

See this reproducible example:

S1 = 300
S2 = 400
data1 = np.random.randint(0,255, (S1,S1,3))
imageio.imsave(img1_path := "/tmp/img1.png", data1)

data2 = np.random.randint(0,255, (S2,S2,3))
imageio.imsave(img2_path := "/tmp/img2.png", data2)

img = imageio.imread(img1_path)
img2 = imageio.imread(img2_path)

images = [img, img2]

for img in images:
    print(type(img), img.shape, img.size)

# images = [np.asarray(im) for im in images]

ipyplot.plot_class_tabs(images, ["t"]*2, max_imgs_per_tab=10, img_width=None, custom_texts=["d"]*2)

which just creates two random images and tries to display them with plot_class_tabs. The error got is :

AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [73], in <module>
     17 print(np.asarray(images).shape)
     18 # images = [np.asarray(im) for im in images]
---> 20 ipyplot.plot_class_tabs(images, ["t"]*2, max_imgs_per_tab=10, img_width=None, custom_texts=["d"]*2)

File [...]/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ipyplot/_plotting.py:71, in plot_class_tabs(images, labels, custom_texts, max_imgs_per_tab, img_width, zoom_scale, force_b64, tabs_order)
     68 custom_texts = _np.asarray(custom_texts) if custom_texts is not None else custom_texts  # NOQA E501
     70 # run html helper function to generate html content
---> 71 html = _create_tabs(
     72     images=images,
     73     labels=labels,
     74     custom_texts=custom_texts,
     75     max_imgs_per_tab=max_imgs_per_tab,
     76     img_width=img_width,
     77     zoom_scale=zoom_scale,
     78     force_b64=force_b64,
     79     tabs_order=tabs_order)
     81 _display_html(html)

File [...]/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ipyplot/_html_helpers.py:130, in _create_tabs(images, labels, custom_texts, max_imgs_per_tab, img_width, zoom_scale, force_b64, tabs_order)
    127     active_tab = False
    129     tab_imgs_mask = labels == label
--> 130     html += _create_imgs_grid(
    131         images=images[tab_imgs_mask],
    132         labels=list(range(0, max_imgs_per_tab)),
    133         max_images=max_imgs_per_tab,
    134         img_width=img_width,
    135         zoom_scale=zoom_scale,
    136         custom_texts=custom_texts[tab_imgs_mask] if custom_texts is not None else None,  # NOQA E501
    137         force_b64=force_b64)
    139     html += '</div>'
    141 html += '</div>'

File [...]/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ipyplot/_html_helpers.py:359, in _create_imgs_grid(images, labels, custom_texts, max_images, img_width, zoom_scale, force_b64)
    356 html, grid_style_uuid = _get_default_style(img_width, zoom_scale)
    358 html += '<div id="ipyplot-imgs-container-div-%s">' % grid_style_uuid
--> 359 html += ''.join([
    360     _create_img(
    361         x, width=img_width, label=y,
    362         grid_style_uuid=grid_style_uuid,
    363         custom_text=text, force_b64=force_b64
    364     )
    365     for x, y, text in zip(
    366         images[:max_images], labels[:max_images],
    367         custom_texts[:max_images])
    368 ])
    369 html += '</div>'
    370 return html

File [...]/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ipyplot/_html_helpers.py:360, in <listcomp>(.0)
    356 html, grid_style_uuid = _get_default_style(img_width, zoom_scale)
    358 html += '<div id="ipyplot-imgs-container-div-%s">' % grid_style_uuid
    359 html += ''.join([
--> 360     _create_img(
    361         x, width=img_width, label=y,
    362         grid_style_uuid=grid_style_uuid,
    363         custom_text=text, force_b64=force_b64
    364     )
    365     for x, y, text in zip(
    366         images[:max_images], labels[:max_images],
    367         custom_texts[:max_images])
    368 ])
    369 html += '</div>'
    370 return html

File [...]/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ipyplot/_html_helpers.py:286, in _create_img(image, label, width, grid_style_uuid, custom_text, force_b64)
    283 # if image is not a string it means its either PIL.Image or np.ndarray
    284 # that's why it's necessary to use conversion to b64
    285 if use_b64:
--> 286     img_html += '<img src="data:image/png;base64,%s"/>' % _img_to_base64(image, width)  # NOQA E501
    288 html = """
    289 <div class="ipyplot-placeholder-div-%(0)s">
    290     <div id="ipyplot-content-div-%(0)s-%(1)s" class="ipyplot-content-div-%(0)s">
    300 </div>
    301 """ % {'0': grid_style_uuid, '1': img_uuid, '2': label, '3': img_html}  # NOQA E501
    302 return html

File [...]/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ipyplot/_img_helpers.py:93, in _img_to_base64(image, target_width)
     91 # save image object to bytes stream
     92 output = io.BytesIO()
---> 93 image.save(output, format='PNG')
     94 # encode bytes as base64 string
     95 b64 = str(base64.b64encode(output.getvalue()).decode('utf-8'))

AttributeError: 'Array' object has no attribute 'save'

The reason for that is that I pass imageIO Arrays and not numpy arrays. IF any of those is changed in the example:

Everything works. I think the reason for that is that:

  1. There is a conversion of all the images to a single numpy array in https://github.com/karolzak/ipyplot/blob/ff64f4a376e17bf86c6c6fb1d47ee99e50227708/ipyplot/_utils.py#L97 that works differently for same-shape input - for same shape we get a nparray of [N,W,H,C], but for a different-shape we get a numpy array of [N,] with objects inside, and the objects aren't then converted to numpy arrays but remain imageIO Arrays.
  2. Some later code isn't checking the type in the right way: https://github.com/karolzak/ipyplot/blob/ff64f4a376e17bf86c6c6fb1d47ee99e50227708/ipyplot/_img_helpers.py#L77 - if we change type(img) == np.ndarray into isinstance(img, np.ndarray) - the subclass should be handled appropriately.
karolzak commented 2 years ago

Hi @kretes ! Thank you so much for investing your time in digging so deep into the source code to find the root cause and report it! Very much appreciated! I will try to recreate this problem following the details you shared and hopefully we can fix it with the next release. Thank you!