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What does "prioritize teeth over education" even mean? #489

Open dw61 opened 1 month ago

dw61 commented 1 month ago



powmeister commented 1 month ago

It’s the American way, after all!

lonnardtree commented 1 month ago

Yea no joke. Hello I'm Lonny. I'm glad I am old enough to know life without internet, cell phones, and I'm only 38. Grew up like most; playing outside most day, played baseball for 12 years, hockey also 12 years(started hockey at age 4 in Alaska.)

Skateboarding for years and running from the cops(as a young teen over the dumbest things like skateboarding in a PUBLIC place, but even more asinine were the cowardly businesses that called cops on us, instead of just asking us to leave for any reason...WTH?

The only time we were shown grace was a very hot day when we were around 14 years old...we had been skating at a local elementary school because it was weekend and no one was bothering us. Well, being young and ignorant, we were in need of water but knew cameras would be somewhere(at time only in main office found out.)

We opened a door, wasn't locked. 5 of us proceed to skate as low as we could go and got water. We then came out same way and opened the door to a police officer and some older gentleman coming up from a truck. He happened to be the principal.

We had triggered an alarm apparently just by opening the door. We all told them both the truth and they both had grace on us all and understood we meant no harm. I'll never forget that event. Thanks to those men for making immediate responses to a triggered alarm and realizing we were always kicked out of spots, we were dehydrated, but we were honest.

Oh, &'I'm a professional musician, and wicked sinner saved by Faith in Jesus__ through the acknowledgment for the need of repentance, the hearing of the Gospel of Christ, and believing not in vain. Finally, pray to God and tell Him these things. Jesus Christ is the author of Creation, all our walk with Jesus including the author of Faith, all good works, and all Glory and Honor and Praise. Jesus Christ is the beginning and the perfection of our Faith, Love, Holiness, Righteousness, Grace, and Charity. The Alpha & the Omega. The Alef & the Tav(Taw.) Jesus is the AMEN(this one a lot don't know but read Revelation 3, specifically when talking to the Laodiceans. Read that part very slowly.

All being said, thank you, and Even so, come Lord Jesus!(Rev. 22:16)