Hi Andevani,
It's me again.
I use my corpus to make prepro.py build json and h5 files.
But this happens
Inserting the special UNK token
Assigned 10000 to val, 10000 to test.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "prepro_utf8.py", line 240, in
File "prepro_utf8.py", line 173, in main
L, label_start_ix, label_end_ix, label_length = encode_captions(imgs, params, wtoi)
File "prepro_utf8.py", line 150, in encode_captions
Assert np.all(label_length > 0), 'error: some caption had no words?'
AssertionError: error: some caption had no words?
Hi Andevani, It's me again. I use my corpus to make prepro.py build json and h5 files.
But this happens Inserting the special UNK token Assigned 10000 to val, 10000 to test. Traceback (most recent call last): File "prepro_utf8.py", line 240, in
File "prepro_utf8.py", line 173, in main
L, label_start_ix, label_end_ix, label_length = encode_captions(imgs, params, wtoi)
File "prepro_utf8.py", line 150, in encode_captions
Assert np.all(label_length > 0), 'error: some caption had no words?'
AssertionError: error: some caption had no words?
Can you help me with my doubts?
Thank you very much.