karrde / ffg_swrpg

FFG Star Wars RPG system tools
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Talent Trees #10

Open karrde opened 10 years ago

karrde commented 10 years ago

We have a few items that are on some lever similar, yet each unique. The base of them is list of things in a tree structure.

I'll start with the 3 easy ones.

Specialization: Tied to a Career(s), List of skills, Tree of Talents Generic Talent Tree: No Career, List of Skills, Tree of Talents Force user Talent Tree: No Career, Force Level requirement, Tree of Talents

Then the 2 oddballs:

Force Power: Main power, Tree of "Talent Like" Upgrades Signature Ability: Main ability, Tree of "Talent like" Upgrades, Required Career, Spec link points

I include the last two not because I think the model structure for them is going to be similar enough to the others, but because of the "Talent Like" things. Do I lump them in with talents. Do I identify them with database fields or just with categories. I really hate using a Category to determine how to treat an object, I think it should just be a classification and a generic way for me to tell the base Entry models apart. So if it's a model thing then do I extend, Virtually extend, or "duplicate" the structure.

But back to the main three. Do I create a Tree model, then extend it three ways? Do I have one model for all of them since they can be added similarly to a character down the road? Is the tree like structure just not enough and I create three completely separate models.