karrde / ffg_swrpg

FFG Star Wars RPG system tools
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Adversary talent level #11

Open karrde opened 10 years ago

karrde commented 10 years ago

For Adversary list it might be useful to have what level of Adversary tallet the NPC has to be able to sort by that field. This would let the person have a climbing scale of bad guys.

bknowles commented 10 years ago

Yup, it's a ranked talent. You really don't want to ... annoy ... the Adversary 4 guys. ;-)

karrde commented 8 years ago

Have this be part of the link-back. When you click on a talent it should bring you to the talent page. At the bottom have all adversaries that have the talent listed, but if it is a ranked talent have it broken out by the ranks of the talent. Perhaps have the talent page just list links to individual adversaries, and have the "Rank #" be a link to a table of the appropriate adversaries.

karrde commented 8 years ago

My apps/model seperation might have bit me here. From the template perspective I might need to build some function calls to get the proper seperation by rank. I can do the following at the shell:

>>> t.adversary_set.filter(talententry__talent__name=t.name).all()
[<Adversary: Elaiza>, <Adversary: Emperor's Hand>, <Adversary: Forsaken Jedi>, <Adversary: Jedi-in-hiding>]
>>> t.adversary_set.filter(talententry__talent__name=t.name,talententry__rank=2).all()
[<Adversary: Emperor's Hand>]
>>> t.adversary_set.filter(talententry__talent__name=t.name,talententry__rank=3).all()
[<Adversary: Elaiza>, <Adversary: Forsaken Jedi>, <Adversary: Jedi-in-hiding>]

But since I can't do that in the template I can't easily extend the Talent model from the Adversary app. There may be some combination of extension of the Adversary model in conjunction with a view that allows me to do this seamlessly otherwise I've got cross dependancies and I don't want that.

In the mean time I've added a list of Adversaries to the talent page regardless of rank.