karrioapi / karrio

Programmable Shipping API (self-hosted)
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Integration of ninjaVan is not happening #593

Open codeArtisanry opened 1 month ago

codeArtisanry commented 1 month ago

Help required A clear and concise description of what the problem is.

Can anybody help me out or share me the steps to fix this ??

What I had done so far.

danh91 commented 1 month ago

Hi @codeArtisanry ,

Here is what I suspect might be missing. Can you confirm that:

In the meantime, I am going to update the docs with the installation steps

codeArtisanry commented 1 month ago

I appreciate your immediate response Thanks @danh91

danh91 commented 1 month ago

Yes I installed the dependencies, I tried to follow the steps,

One thing I want to ask is, is it possible to integrate NinjaVan with karrio ? If yes can you give me an approximate time that I can do it locally? Also can you brief the steps to achieve the same in my local Linux system.

Please let me know if you want to see my changes, I'll send you my GitHub repo changes.

If you can share your GitHub repo changes, it will make it easier to assist you.

Is this https://api-docs.ninjavan.co/en the documentation for the NinaVan API? If yes, I believe it can be integrated with Karrio.

The approximate time it takes to do it locally depends on a couple of factors

Since this is the first time integrating with Karrio, there will be a small learning curve for you to familiarize yourself with the codebase. The second time you need to integrate will be the faster one.

NinjaVan's API looks quite modern and simple. Well-documented and straightforward. It would take less than a day of focused work to get it integrated. I would say 2 max 3 days for your first integration since you are familiarizing yourself with the code base.

What you need for development on a Linux system is

This will help you confirm that you have everything you need to run, develop and test Karrio locally

codeArtisanry commented 1 month ago

Yes @danh91 That is an api of ninjaVan,

This are my commits



https://github.com/codeArtisanry/karrio/commit/f4a54cb828ff8e853bad694aa9c24098290a4a50 I don't know what is going on here since I followed your docs for setup and adding extension. Can you please help me out ?

codeArtisanry commented 1 month ago
