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Evaluate frontend framework options #593

Closed nicksellen closed 6 years ago

nicksellen commented 7 years ago

There has been various talk about the need to switch from angular 1.x at some point, and various informal conversations about it.

The idea here is to put our thoughts through a more rational evaluation pipeline. I recently went through this kind of process for choosing a PaaS platform, and found it pretty good at making sure we don't just get lured by our short term feelings for a particular technology.

We based our process loosely on how gov.uk went through a similar process. Not sure it exactly maps to this model though.

I started writing everything in here, but I think an etherpad is a better option --> https://pad.disroot.org/p/evaluating-frontend-frameworks


Create proof-of-concepts for:


tiltec commented 7 years ago

There's so much choice out there... well, I'm happy about following a rational process. Maybe that even means sticking with Angular.

nicksellen commented 7 years ago

I did an evaluation of Angular 4, Angular Material2, ngrx

The code is available at https://github.com/yunity/frontend-poc-angular

There were a couple of starter kits I looked at:

But they were so overwhelmingly complex that I decided to start simple using angular cli, and add bits as I needed.

I used https://github.com/ngrx/platform/tree/master/example-app to work out how to use ngrx.

I'm not checking it against our criteria docs right yet, just some immediate feelings:


autocompletecrop An example of some of the fancy typescript/intellij stuff - because I named the #sidenav component, I can refer to it in places that accept js, and it knows the type so can autocomplete the valid methods, nice!)



There is a lot of stuff to like there, and the typescript development experience is a joy to beyond, the complexity of ngrx/rxjs does not put me off personally that much. The complexity of angular itself does put me off a bit more, and I am also concerned about it's impact on other developers who just want to get shit done.

This stack is not my preferred option, but if others were into it, then it would also work for me.

nicksellen commented 7 years ago

I added the built version of it to yunity.github.io repo so you can view it at https://yunity.github.io/framework-pocs/angular/

This is from running:

ng build --target=production

Then copying the dist folder into the other repo, and setting the base to <base href="/framework-pocs/angular/"> in the index.html doc.

nicksellen commented 7 years ago

Ping @NerdyProjects and @raph-ael - I would propose using the same framework in fslight (if we continue it) as for fstool, so your input here would be welcome!

tiltec commented 7 years ago

I'm working on a React+Material UI PoC right now.

You mentioned to me that trustroots is also interested in modernizing their frontend framework. Are there already public discussions about it?

nicksellen commented 7 years ago

I added Vue+Onsen https://github.com/yunity/frontend-poc-vue-onsen online at:

I created it from their vue cli template thing:

vue init OnsenUI/vue-pwa-webpack hello-world

It asks you questions (as per regular vue cli), so I ended up with a nice base app with hot module reloading working out the box, vuex setup, and a nice little standard mobile-style ui to get started with.

I then borrowed a bunch of stuff from the vuex shopping cart example https://github.com/vuejs/vuex/tree/dev/examples/shopping-cart to rejig the stores to make them a bit more modular.




I very much like vuejs/vuex - simple and pragmatic. I did not go very deep into onsen ui, so still have a few outstanding uncertainties about it how things would work out beyond that.

I prefer this stack to the angular one so far, from what I see it would be usable too.

NerdyProjects commented 7 years ago

Thanks for dragging me in here - but I actually like to stay out of the frontend discussion/decision as I might not really participate.

As a frontend-newb, I really liked what we get with quasar/vue and would like to get your comparison also towards that stack. From what I grasped from recent fs tool development, I would not chose a too complex approach (e.g. angular) again - but I also don't know about expandability of the other approaches (e.g. is it easy enough without too many quirks to build the fs tool frontend or even some more complexity in the chosen approach?)

I trust your decision and would help pursuing it :-)

nicksellen commented 7 years ago

@tiltec nothing much public regarding trustroots. A bit on the meanjs roadmap 1.0 topic (https://github.com/meanjs/mean/issues/1666#issuecomment-319604209) that trustroots tracks closely. I get the impression @simison is not so inclined towards a big rewrite into a new framework due to the amount of work it would be, for not much end user benefit.

simison commented 7 years ago

I get the impression @simison is not so inclined towards a big rewrite into a new framework

Right now at least. :-) It's a topic of constant re-evaluation and looking for great examples.

Our priority objective right now is to grow and maintain quality, and big rewrite won't help with that.

tiltec commented 7 years ago

I think one of the main reasons for us to consider switching frameworks is the dependency on angular-material, which seems to be going into maintenance mode: https://github.com/angular/material/graphs/contributors

Both angularJS and angular-material are usable right now and will probably continue being usable for the next 2 years and longer.

So another valid decision could be to stick with the current choice and do some refactoring to make the frontend more fun to work with (= make it feel less heavy, more maintainable). These are some of my issues with the current setup:

So additionally to considering other frameworks, we could investigate more into the current stack:

Maybe some of those considerations are interesting for trustroots as well (or you solved them already?)

tiltec commented 7 years ago

I created https://github.com/yunity/frontend-react-poc with react, redux and material-ui. I used create-react-app to get a basic setup.

This is my first react app and the experience was really nice. I always wanted to understand why so many people like react and how they use it to build websites. Although the initial site setup was really quick, it took me some time to understand the different concepts:





screen shot 2017-08-30 at 00 57 25


Other stuff

I didn't try out forms, routing, error handling, i18n, map and other important stuff. But I'm certain that there are good solutions available in the react ecosystem.

Mildly interesting: I discovered Storybook, which seems a nice way to write and test custom UI components.


I found this stack easier to work with compared to our existing angularJS one. The building-block nature of the React ecosystem offers something for every need, although that also means that I had to look out for the standard way. I think ecosystem also protects yourself from vendor lock-in, e.g. there are alternatives to react (preact, inferno) that are almost drop-in replacements.

My only caveat would be Material-UI. I would rely heavily on it, as it's a pain for me to build UI components. It seems hard to switch UI frameworks, so I would try to make extra sure that it will serve our needs.

tiltec commented 7 years ago

Today I tried to enable HMR in our existing stack using https://github.com/vitaliy-bobrov/angular-hot-loader - it didn't work.

After a lot of trial-and-error, I gave up and read through a similar approach that only works when maintaining those conventions:

You must have one file per controller and export the controller or the angular.module with the controller invoked. You must use named functions or classes for your controller (we use the controller.name property) You must have a precise filenaming strategy. Currently our loader looks for the folder name of the file, adds Controller, and then finds a reference to the old controller thanks to angular’s $injector. It then updates its methods one by one with the ones from the new controller in your new module.

I'm not sure I should follow this route, I fear that it could lead to unexpected problems during development. Only for making development faster 😕

tiltec commented 7 years ago

Next PoC with Vue.JS, Vuex and Quasar: https://github.com/yunity/frontend-poc-vue-quasar

I used quasar-cli to bootstrap the project: quasar init pwa frontend-poc-vue-quasar. I like a lot of the defaults: HMR works, it has template generators and enforces a semicolon-free ES6 style 🌟

Getting into Vue+Quasar was almost no effort, I had a bit of previous knowledge from working with foodsharing-light though. I was amazed by the number of components and examples in the Quasar docs, although at first the demos were hidden because of my small browser viewport.

Neither Vue nor Quasar bring their own http client, so I either could have used fetch or axios. The latter seems to be more widespread and has a nicer interface (no calls to .json() necessary).

Then it came the time to add vuex for state management. I read through the docs and found the similarities to redux nice, but the subtle differences a bit confusing. It was no problem in the end to get it running, I even go a chance to use the new async/await syntax. Vuex (like redux) adds a lot of structure to the project, which seems a bit boilerplate-y for an example project of this size. Though I feel that it makes sense for the foodsaving tool, especially since we want to grow it further.

Quasar components feel very good, I like them better than Material-UI. I didn't try both enough to make a fair comparison to angular-material though.


Very nice and smooth stack, it seems the most beginner-friendly by far and I would like to use it for the foodsaving tool.

I'm a bit afraid of lock-in though, especially with Quasar, which relies mainly on the efforts of a single developer. I think as soon as you choose one UI library, it's quite hard to migrate away from it. We have the same problem with angular-material already.

nicksellen commented 7 years ago

For me, the main reasons to switch frameworks now are:

  1. it will have to be done at some point, if not now, then when?
  2. if we accept point 1, then any new features added to the existing site will be built twice eventually
  3. as a developer I like a development stack that brings me joy, and more joy is to be had now
  4. would have some benefit to use same stack across other sites I/we work on
  5. it is not actually such a big piece of software yet then I would consider it a big rewrite
  6. I think motivation to really get behind AngularJS 1 as platform is low, so implementation quality of new work on it will suffer
nicksellen commented 7 years ago

I'm a bit afraid of lock-in though, especially with Quasar

Yes, this is a definite risk. It's for sure a gamble, but it always is. Last gamble with AngularJS + angular-material1 went in the other direction (big company, stable, established framework). Maybe these small one-person frameworks/libraries end up more stable as they are invested in them more personally. Who knows.

simison commented 7 years ago

Some reading:


tiltec commented 7 years ago

Thanks @simison

Maybe we should do a table like this, and add criteria that are relevant to us? I think that's the slightly more rational approach (the table entries don't have to be perfect).


nicksellen commented 7 years ago

Maybe we should do a table like this, and add criteria that are relevant to us? I think that's the slightly more rational approach (the table entries don't have to be perfect).

We have the (rather long) lists of criteria, just have not evaluated against it yet.

tiltec commented 7 years ago

I'm going to take entries from this list of criteria and move them into a spreadsheet. Then evaluate our existing frontend and Quasar with them.

tiltec commented 7 years ago

I'm finished with the evaluation of AngularJS+Material and VueJS+Quasar. @nicksellen do you feel like adding angular4 to the sheet, too? https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1L0qi4zjtw1O4qkMeijGeSvS9zICC59LU9-2vaGTIFjo/edit#gid=0

I could add React+Redux as well, but I feel there wouldn't be much benefit over the Quasar solution.

frankgerhardt commented 7 years ago

Here comes some feedback from an old guy. This is all wrong, sorry. Even if Vue is easier than the other there is quite some learning curve with it.

  1. the learning curve turns any potential contributor off. You should not use any of these complicated frameworks.
  2. if you choose one framework, you are blocking the path for integrating your UI with another code base, or being integrated in another UI. Keep is light.
  3. be realistic, you just don't have the manpower. Look at Docker and how complicated everything gets quickly. Then don't let the UI be another driver of brain overload.

I asked my team what they want to use and they said, please no framework. Let's just use jQuery and Bootstrap. Everybody get's up to speed quickly and we can understand each other's code without reading documentation for hours.

frankgerhardt commented 7 years ago

One more thing. There is a trap.

"As a good rule of thumb, too clever is dumb."

The cleverness trap is that we nerds often think we just have to choose the super duper framework and it will multiply our brain power and productivity. It does not. The framework quickly becomes a burden and has a cost of carrying it along. It becomes a barrier of entry for people interested in contributing but are appalled by the heaviness of the project. If you add similar duper duper frameworks for your CI infrastructure, build, containers, that burden slows you down extremely. What about testing? Any resources left? Probably not. Travel light, and fast. That is clever.

nicksellen commented 7 years ago

@frankgerhardt thanks for your input, I actually agree with a lot of your sentiment, somehow the world of this modern hip web development got insanely complicated recently, it's exhausting if you try and keep it with it all. Frontend development is now a serious programming activity (just look at my angular 4 evaluation!).

I like this saying though: There are no solutions. There are only trade-offs.

This thread was to discuss with our current contributors which approach they would prefer (and nobody suggested jQuery). That doesn't mean jQuery is not right for your team though.

I have been involved with a few large-ish jQuery projects (two of them being https://foodsharing.de/ and https://github.com/Freegle/iznik) and so I avoid it now from experience, not ignorance. They have enormous difficulty getting new contributors, although jQuery itself is not so much the problem, but how it's used.

jQuery is dealing with only a very small part of the frontend architecture, so you are left to build the rest yourself (or use a compatible framework). In the projects I have seen, they end up with not very clear seperation of concerns, and poor/no test coverage. I am sure this is not inevitable though, have you got any examples of nice jQuery open source projects?

So, on a more practical note, over the last few days we have been busy building the new frontend, and we've got quite far :)

Storybook setup:

Where you can see the UI components we use: https://karrot-storybook-dev.foodsaving.world/ which is auto deployed from the master branch (via https://circleci.com/gh/yunity/karrot-frontend)

Desktop view:


Mobile view:


Anyway, it would be better to chat in a dedicated place for such things if you are interested in the topic more. We try and keep these issues more focused than general discussion.

nicksellen commented 6 years ago

I think we are done with this now :)