kartaview / android

Android app for collecting KartaView imagery
MIT License
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Make OSC available on F-Droid #113

Open stefannagy opened 6 years ago

stefannagy commented 6 years ago

In the F-Droid forum I asked if the OSC Android app meets the F-Droid inclusion criteria. I was told

No. It includes proprietary libraries (com.crashlytics.sdk.android, com.google.android.gms) and custom Maven repositories.

I'd love to see OSC in F-Droid.

ramack commented 6 years ago

It would be great to have a free (as in free software) variant of OSC, which even respects privacy of the users. So in my eyes it is not only about a second distribution channel, but even if you decide to only publish this great app on play store it makes totally sense to have two build flavors, a free and the "traditional" one, if not even only e free one.

The F-droid inclusion criteria are not just restrictions for developers, they totally make sense in my eyes.

contrapunctus-1 commented 6 years ago

I am an avid OSM contributor and have often wished I could contribute to OSC or Mapillary to aid OSM. Unfortunately, I'm unable to do so as neither Mapillary nor OSC clients are available on F-Droid.

stephan75 commented 6 years ago

About manually install of apk files: they seem to not be recent on https://github.com/openstreetcam/android/releases

PanderMusubi commented 5 years ago

See also https://github.com/openstreetcam/android/issues/8 and https://gitlab.com/fdroid/rfp/issues/80

tuxayo commented 5 years ago

Now the bigger problem is that the app is not anymore libre/open source, see #153

PanderMusubi commented 5 years ago

So we close this issue on closedstreetcam?

tuxayo commented 4 years ago

Source code of current (v3.0.1) version released

tuxayo commented 4 years ago

Well, nope :(


mnalis commented 1 year ago

since the issue #153 have been removed, here is last known archive of link above: http://web.archive.org/web/20201107225942/https://github.com/openstreetcam/android/issues/153#issuecomment-589282074