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Further streamline detection validation contributions by MapRoulette-ifying #184

Open scottAnselmo opened 5 years ago

scottAnselmo commented 5 years ago

There seems to be an effort to urge the community to help contribute to the OSC project by encouraging people to validate machine learning detection: http://blog.improveosm.org/en/2018/11/help-train-openstreetcams-open-sign-detection-platform/

The only way to get to that part of the UI though involves clicking on a street, selecting a track, and hoping that track has been run through the pipeline and hasn't had the detections validated yet by someone else.

It would significantly help to cut away all that effort of having to search for detections to validate by having some tool like MapRoulette where I just click something in the OSC website header like 'Validate Detections' and it brings me to a page that automatically pulls detections that haven't been validated yet.

Further enhancements to this tool would allow you to filter by area (e.g. only a city) or by sign type (e.g. I believe hazard type signs are extremely important and want to focus on helping machine learning with those kinds of signs).

mvexel commented 5 years ago

I love these suggestions.