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❌ Cannot delete partially uploaded track #241

Closed minty closed 4 years ago

minty commented 4 years ago


I have a partially uploaded openstreetcam track that I would like to delete, but the website throws an error if I try to delete the track or the images within it.


I'm uploading images via upload-scripts/osc_tools.py and ctrl-C'd out when I realised it was uploading the wrong images. Thus the track is a "partial" upload and I suspect my issue is related to the fact that the track-upload did not fully "complete".

If I try to delete an image from the track, the error returned is:

Photo cannot be deleted! 400 - Bad Request - 671: The status is incorrect. The sequence of the photo you are tring to access is in processing.

If I try to delete the track instead (which is really my goal), it returns:

There was a problem deleting sequence!

How can I delete this track?

[update] likely dupe of (unanswered) https://github.com/openstreetcam/openstreetcam.org/issues/224 Thanks!

mds08011 commented 4 years ago

I think your best bet is the workaround mentioned here: https://github.com/openstreetcam/upload-scripts/issues/83

Essentially, you need to end the uploading before you can delete.

minty commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the pointer @mds08011 👍

Things appear to have evolved slightly since the link you mentioned was written. I have no count_file.txt and sequence_file.txt files.

I'm currently running:

commit 600c3d4f90970d675490a3a398ec66ded201b9d4 (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD)
Author: Bogdan I. Sala <bogdans@bogdans-nmbp.local>
Date:   Wed Feb 27 17:34:15 2019 +0200

What I did

  1. Took another (totally different) dashcam video & generated all the images like I was going to upload it.
  2. Rather than simply upload it as normal, running python3.7 upload-scripts/osc_tools.py upload -p SOME_DIR_WITH_IMAGES, instead ...
  3. I manually created osc_sequence_id.txt inside SOME_DIR_WITH_IMAGES and put into that file {"id": "2027393"} where that 2027393 is the one for the track that was stuck in the uploading state.
  4. Then I ran python3.7 upload-scripts/osc_tools.py upload -p SOME_DIR_WITH_IMAGES

As I understand it, osc_sequence_id.txt would normally get created & populated automatically by the osc_tools.py script. However, because I created it by hand, the script assumed that was the track and uploaded images to that track ID i had put into that file.

My broken track previously had 121 images and was showing in state Uploading

After doing the above, which claimed to upload 121 images again to that track ... I still only have 121 images in the track and they appear to be the original 121 images, so I'm not sure where the new 121 images have ended up ... but the broken track is now in state Processing.

I still cannot delete it or images within it, but hopefully once it's finished processing I will be able to.

minty commented 4 years ago

Now my track is stuck in state Processing (for the last 2 hours), which also prevents it being deleted.


mds08011 commented 4 years ago

I'd give it a bit more time to finish processing (couple days), but I'm out of ideas if it doesn't. Being unable to delete during processing is normal: hopefully it is able to complete soon.

minty commented 4 years ago

Track is still saying "processing" after 25 days, still cannot be deleted.

Cannot delete the track, or the images within the track.

Is there any way to reach someone who runs the OSC service for help?

Is my only option to delete my entire account & all the tracks I've uploaded?

minty commented 4 years ago

Finally managed to reach someone via hello@openstreetcam.org

they managed to fix the track sufficiently that I was able to delete it

thanks for all the help & assistance