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Tracks aren’t processing again #288

Closed joeybab3 closed 3 years ago

joeybab3 commented 3 years ago

I’m used to waiting a few days for tracks to show up but it’s been 6 days since I’ve had a track process at all, currently everything I’ve uploaded since September 6th sits at 0 points. More importantly than points though is that the tracks sometimes just never show up. I’ve had about 30% of the tracks I’ve filmed just disappear and never show up on the site in the last few days which is a much higher rate of loss than usual.

ALFURJANI commented 3 years ago

Hi, joeybab3 we are facing the same issue in Libya !!

SviMik commented 3 years ago

According to the leaderboard it seems that no one has received any points this week. @chip-grab please tell it's gonna be fixed!

joeybab3 commented 3 years ago

The last track I've found that processed ~successfully~ seems to indicate that this issue began occurring ~13 days ago between September 3rd and 4th.

alex-grab commented 3 years ago

Oh.. looking into that @SviMik. @joeybab3 I don't see any pending recordings on your account though, all seem published now.

@ALFURJANI can you share your OSC account? Can't find you by this name.

joeybab3 commented 3 years ago

@joeybab3 I don't see any pending recordings on your account though, all seem published now.

@alex-grab Please note that none of them have any points and aren’t viewable anywhere other than on my profile.

They are published but have not processed.

SviMik commented 3 years ago

Could you check this account please? https://openstreetcam.org/user/macsico The API gives me 484 sequences, but the profile says "Tracks:91"

ALFURJANI commented 3 years ago

@alex-grab https://openstreetcam.org/user/aal-ldyn-bn-saayd https://openstreetcam.org/user/abdurahman-al-furjani

Lining-Grab commented 3 years ago

Sorry for the inconvenience. We are fixing these tracks now, hopefully these tracks will be processed within 3 or 4 days. I will update the progress here.

joeybab3 commented 3 years ago

Tracks do indeed seem to be processing again, hopefully this won't keep happening once a month

SviMik commented 3 years ago

A different kind of bug, but maybe you could look into that too? There are bunch of tracks stuck in UPLOAD_FINISHED state (on the website it's displayed like 5 TRACKS PROCESSING in user's profile). For example, tracks 3006122, 3006022, 3004754, 3004390, 3004194, 3002318, 3001974, 2999082, 2995986, 2993570, 2988066, 2977314, 2971978, 2971902, 2964894, 2964866, 2963994, 2963530, 2962762, 2958114, 2942146

joeybab3 commented 3 years ago

@funkydancer @alex-grab i see that it’s processing again but it’s skipped some of my tracks in doing so... this isn’t that abnormal as I have tracks that never processed from a while ago but is there no way to flag a track to be reprocessed?

EndlessIdea commented 3 years ago

@joeybab3 Could you also provide your account link? I'm checking the issue.

EndlessIdea commented 3 years ago

Regarding the points issue, it may take a day or two to finish as the compute resource is limited. Sorry for the inconvenient time.

EndlessIdea commented 3 years ago

@SviMik Thanks for submitting this bug. I have found such tracks and fixed them. Now these tracks should be in FINISHED state.

joeybab3 commented 3 years ago

@joeybab3 Could you also provide your account link? I'm checking the issue.

My username is the same on openstreetcam — joeybab3

joeybab3 commented 3 years ago

See #275 and #254 if you need some older examples, they still have not been processed

EndlessIdea commented 3 years ago

@joeybab3 For these tracks, I think you mean they have no points, right?

joeybab3 commented 3 years ago

@EndlessIdea that is part of it, they don’t show up on “my tracks” either when the filter is enabled on the main map.

SviMik commented 3 years ago

https://openstreetcam.org/user/macsico The API gives me 484 sequences, but the profile says "Tracks:91"

Now it says "Tracks:481". 3 tracks got lost somewhere in the process. Not a critical thing, but may indicate some bug that is still present. The lost tracks are: 3003786, 3003774, 3003750

ALFURJANI commented 3 years ago

@Alex alex-grab hi, could you please check this profile, many tracks can't showup
https://openstreetcam.org/user/mohamedkenan Track ID 3068634 3068518 3068474 3067218 3064478 3061614 3061410 3060690 3060618 3060138 3073770 3075302 3071814 3082662 3082378 3082350 3081790 3068698

ALFURJANI commented 3 years ago

@funkydancer hi, could you please check this profile, many tracks can't showup
https://openstreetcam.org/user/mohamedkenan Track ID 3068634 3068518 3068474 3067218 3064478 3061614 3061410 3060690 3060618 3060138 3073770 3075302 3071814 3082662 3082378 3082350 3081790 3068698

ALFURJANI commented 3 years ago

what's going on?

JiudanZheng commented 3 years ago

@ALFURJANI , I could see these tracks right now.

zhaitianduo commented 3 years ago

Closing the ticket as we resolved this from our side, feel free to reopen if you found it still exists