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Uploading API is slow, sometimes replies with errors #291

Closed SviMik closed 3 years ago

SviMik commented 3 years ago

No matter how many servers I use, I'm able to upload only 250k images per day, or 5MB/s in total. Judging by the fact that creating a sequence takes sometimes up to 14 seconds it is likely that the problem is the database server performance rather than bandwidth.

Sometimes I receive errors from the API, here is my collection:

{"status":{"apiCode":400,"apiMessage":"An exception occurred while executing \u0027INSERT INTO osv_photos(`status`,osv_photos.`visibility`,osv_photos.`lat`,osv_photos.`lng`,osv_photos.`sequence_id`,osv_photos.`sequence_index`,osv_photos.`headers`,osv_photos.`projection`,osv_photos.`shot_date`,osv_photos.`name`,osv_photos.`filesize`,osv_photos.`filepath`,osv_photos.`filemd5`,osv_photos.`width`,osv_photos.`height`,osv_photos.`storage`,osv_photos.`auto_img_processing_result`,osv_photos.`coord`) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,ST_GeomFromText(\u0027POINT(30.4836142 50.504962)\u0027))\u0027 with params [\u0022active\u0022, \u0022public\u0022, \u002250.504962\u0022, \u002230.4836142\u0022, 3027054, 249, \u0022352.493\u0022, \u0022PLANE\u0022, \u00222019-01-21 11:04:37\u0022, \u00223027054_8af9f_5f615bd4ce96f.jpg\u0022, 1928009, \u00222020\\\/9\\\/15\\\/{{sizeprefix}}\\\/3027054_8af9f_5f615bd4ce96f.jpg\u0022, \u002299b4e413aa6c0ea7620723e427242b2a\u0022, 4000, 3000, \u0022storage13\u0022, \u0022ORIGINAL\u00
{"status":{"apiCode":400,"apiMessage":"An exception occurred while executing \u0027UPDATE osv_photos SET `auto_img_processing_status` = ? WHERE id = ?\u0027 with params [\u0022PROCESSING\u0022, \u00221099807202\u0022]:\n\nSQLSTATE[40001]: Serialization failure: 1213 Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transaction","httpCode":400,"httpMessage":"Bad Request"}}
{"status":{"apiCode":400,"apiMessage":"Fail:\nCode: 500\nValue: Operation could not be completed within the specified time.\ndetails (if any): \ufeff\u003C?xml version=\u00221.0\u0022 encoding=\u0022utf-8\u0022?\u003E\u003CError\u003E\u003CCode\u003EOperationTimedOut\u003C\/Code\u003E\u003CMessage\u003EOperation could not be completed within the specified time.\nRequestId:0f21178c-801e-003d-0b6c-8d8bb0000000\nTime:2020-09-18T03:32:10.2933629Z\u003C\/Message\u003E\u003C\/Error\u003E.","httpCode":400,"httpMessage":"Bad Request"}}
{"status":{"apiCode":400,"apiMessage":"cURL error 56: TCP connection reset by peer (see http:\/\/curl.haxx.se\/libcurl\/c\/libcurl-errors.html)","httpCode":400,"httpMessage":"Bad Request"}}

While this error sounds like I did something wrong with the auth, in fact just repeating the exact same request again succeeds:

{"code": "client_id_differ", "message": "The provided client id differs from auth token"}

I know these messages aren't particularly useful, but sometimes the API just gives a 502 or 504 error:

<head><title>502 Bad Gateway</title></head>
<center><h1>502 Bad Gateway</h1></center>
<title>502 Bad Gateway</title>
<h1>Bad Gateway</h1>
<p>The proxy server received an invalid
response from an upstream server.<br />
<html><body><h1>504 Gateway Time-out</h1>
The server didn't respond in time.
tigren commented 3 years ago

@SviMik may I know how do you upload the images? with a script?

SviMik commented 3 years ago

I wrote my own uploading program using your API documentation and some examples I found on the Internet.

ybdx commented 3 years ago

@SviMik could you post the code you wrote?I want to know the order you call the API, and how you handle the errors?

SviMik commented 3 years ago

Sure: https://gist.github.com/SviMik/296eee288dcc101b8b60b81bc0ac3f90 The code is large, so you may want to look into specific functions: openstreetcam_new_sequence, openstreetcam_upload and openstreetcam_close_sequence called from thread_ul. There are 10 attempts to create a sequence with 5 second pause between attempts, same with uploading image and closing the sequence. Don't mind the threading, the whole OSC interaction happens from a single thread.

I'm using curl, so I'm checking for CURLE_OK return code and the HTTP code to be 200. The error handling works fine, and just repeating the exactly same request works, so I'm more concerned about OSC backend and why it gives such weird errors messages.

ybdx commented 3 years ago

@SviMik when you use openstreetcam_new_sequence to create sequence_id, what is the param platformVersion value?

Here is some info about the params: obdInfo: 0 or 1 platformName: string, len(1, 100) platformVersion: string, 1<= value <= 25

When you request the URL /1.0/sequence with files in it, you must make sure that the contents of the file corresponding to metedata are not empty.

ybdx commented 3 years ago

@SviMik If it's convenient, could you help to post the curl /1.0/sequence and /1.0/photo ?

SviMik commented 3 years ago

I use platformVersion to store my own track ID (haven't found any auxiliary field that can be used for that purpose), for example, 8WTWJPm0eTikBSE8tlOzVg. It is text and is within the 1<= value <= 25 limitation. Other than that the code is pretty self-explanatory, obdInfo is always 0 and platformName is always photosync.

An example of /1.0/sequence: obdInfo=0&platformName=photosync&platformVersion=8WTWJPm0eTikBSE8tlOzVg&access_token=redacted

Do you think there's an error in my requests? I mean, if there was, then repeating the same request again wouldn't succeed, would it?

ybdx commented 3 years ago

Sorry, I think I made a mistake. The param platformVersion type is string, and the value length is [1, 25].

ybdx commented 3 years ago

@SviMik Hi bro, I have a question about your account. Is your account username sanchi ?

SviMik commented 3 years ago

No, my account is svimik. But other people use my uploader too.

ybdx commented 3 years ago

@SviMik When request /1.0/sequence, could you help to add param validation? Could you please help to validate the param platformVersion, which length is [1, 25]. And I have a question about the request /1.0/sequence. When you request /1.0/sequence, will you upload a file called meteData in the request parameters?

SviMik commented 3 years ago

platformVersion is limited by %.25s on line 657. No, I do not upload metadata file, only images.

JiudanZheng commented 3 years ago

@SviMik , are you still suffering from this issue? If not, could we close this ticket?