kartaview / openstreetcam.org

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only full ways get highlighted, even if only parts of them are covered #327

Open joshinils opened 3 years ago

joshinils commented 3 years ago

For example, I made a U-Turn on my bikle on https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/184049387 before it bends. On https://kartaview.org/map/@52.6544863276543,13.28101225889236,18z it gets painted in blue all the way.

alex-grab commented 3 years ago

yep, can confirm this is the snapping-to-road behaviour – partial way coverage is not supported yet but on the roadmap

joshinils commented 3 years ago

For reference #328:

In comparison to wandrer.earth, i do not know which ways will get painted in blue on the map after i upload a sequence taken there.

On wandrer.earth I can enable untravelled ways on my Big Map (login required), I would like this for KartaView aswell.