kartaview / upload-scripts

Uploader tools for KartaView
MIT License
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Upload script stuck #112

Open golserma opened 3 years ago

golserma commented 3 years ago

I get this error messages. Restart the script in order to finish you upload for this sequence. On the website the sequence is still tagged as uploading. The upload has finished some time ago and the status does not get updated.

SviMik commented 3 years ago

Indeed the uploading speed has dropped It was pretty fast up to 2020/07/10, but since 2020/07/11 it has dropped by 6 times, and it doesn't matter how many threads or servers I use I can't get it moving faster than a snail's pace. @chip-grab is everything all right there?

Sometimes I see errors like:

{"status":{"apiCode":400,"apiMessage":"An exception occurred while executing \u0027UPDATE osv_photos SET `auto_img_processing_status` = ? WHERE id = ?\u0027 with params [\u0022PROCESSING\u0022, \u0022979942370\u0022]:\n\nSQLSTATE[40001]: Serialization failure: 1213 Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transaction","httpCode":400,"httpMessage":"Bad Request"}}


{"status":{"apiCode":400,"apiMessage":"Fail:\nCode: 503\nValue: The server is busy.\ndetails (if any): \ufeff\u003C?xml version=\u00221.0\u0022 encoding=\u0022utf-8\u0022?\u003E\u003CError\u003E\u003CCode\u003EServerBusy\u003C\/Code\u003E\u003CMessage\u003EThe server is busy.\nRequestId:8b452418-d01e-0121-2ff1-5a15f2000000\nTime:2020-07-15T21:45:17.9234321Z\u003C\/Message\u003E\u003C\/Error\u003E.","httpCode":400,"httpMessage":"Bad Request"}}


{"status":{"apiCode":400,"apiMessage":"Fail:\nCode: 500\nValue: Operation could not be completed within the specified time.\ndetails (if any): \ufeff\u003C?xml version=\u00221.0\u0022 encoding=\u0022utf-8\u0022?\u003E\u003CError\u003E\u003CCode\u003EOperationTimedOut\u003C\/Code\u003E\u003CMessage\u003EOperation could not be completed within the specified time.\nRequestId:5adb14bd-601e-0133-37cc-5721ee000000\nTime:2020-07-11T21:44:20.9404491Z\u003C\/Message\u003E\u003C\/Error\u003E.","httpCode":400,"httpMessage":"Bad Request"}}

It also takes 20-40 seconds to create a new sequence.

ghost commented 3 years ago

see @jose1711 's issue on openstreetcam/upload-scripts#101

moenk commented 3 years ago

I hab same problem and fixed it by switching in osc_api_config.py from https to http.