kartaview / upload-scripts

Uploader tools for KartaView
MIT License
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order of pictures is garbled #61

Closed blaueente closed 5 years ago

blaueente commented 5 years ago

I have processed my images according to:

  1. make images with action cam + gpx logger
  2. use josm to write gps data into exif
  3. use mapillary_tools process to interpolate directions and prepare for mapillary upload
  4. upload to mapillary
  5. upload to osc using the upload script (multiple times resumed)

Problem: The order of the images is wrong, such that there are a lot of jumps, as you can see in http://openstreetcam.org/details/1287365/1/track-info results in a 390 km track instead of the actual 20 km, and the track presents as a large blob.

As the same image files seem to work with mapillary, there must be a problem with interpreting timestamps in osc.

bogdans-telenav commented 5 years ago

@blaueente sorry for the inconvenience. I am downloading your images to see if we can fix this issue server side with a post processing script. Either way i am working on a new version of upload scripts that will tackle the issues of uploading and track discovery that we currently experience on the current upload scripts version.

pkoby commented 5 years ago

I'm having the same issue.

I don't know if these sequences are somehow different than the ones from the month prior (the messed up ones are from Dec 2016, Nov 2016 was fine). The EXIF tags look the same as far as I can tell.

EDIT: I seem to have fixed it. If I remember correctly, around Dec 2016, I noticed that the timestamp on Mapillary wasn't accurate, so I started stripping DateTimeOriginal and CreateDate Exif tags so that Mapillary would read GPSDateTime as the correct one. Now I overwrite the former two tags with the GPSDateTime so that they all match, rather than having Mapillary read UTC time.

The upshot is that the sequences I was uploading to OSC were missing those tags, which I think is what the script reads to put them in order. What it was reading instead to put them into a pseudo-order I don't know. The command I used to write from the filename (which is the same as the correct timestamp) is: exiftool "-createdate<filename" "-datetimeoriginal<filename" /DIRECTORY -overwrite_original

If the tags exist, but are wrong, or your filename isn't the datetime, this should work: exiftool "-AllDates<GPSDateTime" -overwrite_original /DIRECTORY

bogdans-telenav commented 5 years ago

Thanks for your patience we posted the new version of the upload scripts that should have addressed your issue. If you find any problem with the new version please create an issue and we will address it as soon as possible.