Closed per-frojdh closed 7 years ago
Hm, there seems to be some missing context here. I successfully ran the tests with proj4 2.4.3:
per@angus:~/Documents/Projects/Proj4Leaflet$ npm install proj4@latest
proj4leaflet@1.0.1 /home/per/Documents/Projects/Proj4Leaflet
└── proj4@2.4.3
per@angus:~/Documents/Projects/Proj4Leaflet$ npm t
> proj4leaflet@1.0.1 test /home/per/Documents/Projects/Proj4Leaflet
> mocha-phantomjs test/mocha.html
✓ can create an instance from a SRS code and proj4 def
✓ can create an instance from a SRS code and proj4 def
✓ can project a coordinate to a point in the defined SRS
✓ has a default transformation that is [1, 0, -1, 0]
✓ uses provided zoom level scales
✓ uses provided zoom level resolutions
✓ uses provided origin
✓ accepts custom transformation
✓ size from bounds
✓ converts zoom to scale and vice versa and returns the same values
✓ converts scale to zoom and returns Infinity if the scale passed in is bigger than maximum scale
✓ tests that distance works (L.CRS.Earth.Distance)
12 passing (69ms)
Also, requiring in proj4 looks as expected:
per@angus:~/Documents/Projects/Proj4Leaflet$ node
> require('proj4')
{ [Function: proj4$1]
defaultDatum: 'WGS84',
{ [Function: Projection$1]
{ start: [Function: start],
add: [Function: add],
get: [Function: get] } },
Just to be sure, I also browserified the following program and ran in the browser:
var proj4 = require('proj4');
console.log(proj4(proj4.defs['GOOGLE']).forward([11.9, 57.7]));
It works as I would expect.
So, any particular node version or something that could explain the issue you're seeing?
Also verified with this program through browserify, using proj4leaflet 1.0.1 and proj4 2.4.3:
var L = require('leaflet');
var p4l = require('proj4leaflet');
var crs = new L.Proj.CRS('EPSG:3857', '+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs');
console.log(crs.project(L.latLng(11.9, 57.7)));
...which also works as expected, double checked at runtime that proj4.version
is indeed 2.4.3.
Apologies, I was being a bit vague in my opening issue. After doing some further digging it turns out this issue belongs with webpack, and the way it interprets exports/imports, so the issue does not lie with either proj4 or proj4leaflet.
Sorry for the inconvenience!
In version >= 2.4.x of proj4s, the ways of exporting the proj4js library has changed from a more CommonJS-familiar way into a different way (I'm not too familiar with the exact consequences).
The proj4leaflet way of requiring proj4 through
now results in an ES6-module like this:
This is due to the way that proj4js (2.4.x) is exported as an ES6-module.
For now, this can be fixed by changing the version of proj4js that proj4leaflet uses to stay in the 2.3.x range.