To reproduce
Visit, zoom out once, then zoom in again. I have reproduced this behaviour in Chrome, Safari and Firefox on Mac.
The bug does not seem to appear with a smaller browser window. Could this be some sort of out of bounds problem? No error appears in the javascript console.
Inspecting the leaflet-tile-container-element after the tiles have disappeared it's styled as translate3d(1.89185e+20px, 9.21292e+23px, 0px), which seems abnormal compared to when tiles appear as normal.
I have encountered a bug using the WMTS-example from
Tiles disappear when zooming out one zoom level and then zooming back in again.
Video of bug:
To reproduce Visit, zoom out once, then zoom in again. I have reproduced this behaviour in Chrome, Safari and Firefox on Mac.
The bug does not seem to appear with a smaller browser window. Could this be some sort of out of bounds problem? No error appears in the javascript console.
Inspecting the leaflet-tile-container-element after the tiles have disappeared it's styled as
translate3d(1.89185e+20px, 9.21292e+23px, 0px)
, which seems abnormal compared to when tiles appear as normal.