karthink / elfeed-tube

Youtube integration for Elfeed, the feed reader for Emacs
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How reliable is elfeed-tube-fill-feeds? #31

Open agzam opened 1 month ago

agzam commented 1 month ago

I've been trying to backfill the feeds using elfeed-tube-fill-feeds, but not very successfully. This is what I've been trying to do:

In the end - results are the same - the feed either adds only a few vids, or doesn't get updated at all, no matter how long I wait. I even tried leaving it overnight and it still didn't work. Is it possible that I'm missing something in my setup?

Oh, I also see some errors like this in the Messages buffer:

Error running timer ‘elfeed-curl--call-callback’: (wrong-type-argument stringp ("invidious.perennialte.ch/api/v1/videos/oEskbXrhkkk?fields=published" "invidious.perennialte.ch/api/v1/videos/q0PxCQWG3ic?fields=published" "invidious.perennialte.ch/api/v1/videos/zmzyW1rP-hk?fields=published" "invidious.perennialte.ch/api/v1/videos/qbyeQum8qTE?fields=published"))
karthink commented 1 month ago

Speaking generally, I've filled feeds for channels with 4500 videos before and it's worked.

When I have time I'll try to reproduce this error using the MIT OpenCourseWare channel and get back to you.

karthink commented 1 month ago

BTW for more diagnostic information, you can run (setq elfeed-log-level 'debug), and check the *elfeed-tube-log* buffer.

agzam commented 1 month ago

It's not only MIT OpenCoursWare channel. It doesn't work for other channels as well. I think I'm getting rate-limited. (setq elfeed-log-level 'debug) shows a bunch of 500 errors in the log.

elfeed-tube-log [2024-06-09 19:05:09] [debug]: [(fill-confirm-feeds): ("Fireship")] [2024-06-09 19:05:09] [debug]: [(fill-feeds): Backfilling feed: Fireship] [2024-06-09 19:05:41] [error]: [Search][(28) Operation timeout.]: invidious.privacydev.net/api/v1/channels/UCsBjURrPoezykLs9EqgamOA/videos?fields=videos(title,videoId,author,published),continuation&sort_by=newest ((attempt 0/2)) [2024-06-09 19:05:46] [debug]: [Backfilling...][Fetched: 60 entries] [2024-06-09 19:05:47] [debug]: [Backfilling...][Fetched: 60 entries] [2024-06-09 19:05:48] [debug]: [Backfilling...][Fetched: 60 entries] [2024-06-09 19:05:49] [debug]: [Backfilling...][Fetched: 60 entries] [2024-06-09 19:05:50] [debug]: [Backfilling...][Fetched: 60 entries] [2024-06-09 19:05:51] [debug]: [Backfilling...][Fetched: 60 entries] [2024-06-09 19:05:52] [debug]: [Backfilling...][Fetched: 60 entries] [2024-06-09 19:05:53] [debug]: [Backfilling...][Fetched: 60 entries] [2024-06-09 19:05:54] [debug]: [Backfilling...][Fetched: 60 entries] [2024-06-09 19:05:55] [debug]: [Backfilling...][Fetched: 51 entries] [2024-06-09 19:05:55] [debug]: [Fixing publish dates] [2024-06-09 19:05:58] [error]: [Search][HTTP 500]: invidious.lunar.icu/api/v1/videos/8BrLNgKLWzs?fields=published ((attempt 0/2)) [2024-06-09 19:05:58] [error]: [Search][HTTP 500]: invidious.lunar.icu/api/v1/videos/M7uo5jmFDUw?fields=published ((attempt 0/2)) [2024-06-09 19:05:58] [error]: [Search][HTTP 500]: invidious.lunar.icu/api/v1/videos/2hlD7dWp09M?fields=published ((attempt 0/2)) [2024-06-09 19:05:58] [error]: [Search][HTTP 500]: invidious.lunar.icu/api/v1/videos/AgyJv2Qelwk?fields=published ((attempt 0/2)) [2024-06-09 19:05:58] [error]: [Search][HTTP 500]: invidious.lunar.icu/api/v1/videos/rIrNIzy6U_g?fields=published ((attempt 0/2)) [2024-06-09 19:05:58] [error]: [Search][HTTP 500]: invidious.lunar.icu/api/v1/videos/wbQwD3QS19I?fields=published ((attempt 0/2)) [2024-06-09 19:05:58] [error]: [Search][HTTP 500]: invidious.lunar.icu/api/v1/videos/pPStdjuYzSI?fields=published ((attempt 0/2)) [2024-06-09 19:05:58] [error]: [Search][HTTP 500]: invidious.lunar.icu/api/v1/videos/m_xoN8KlP3w?fields=published ((attempt 0/2)) [2024-06-09 19:05:58] [error]: [Search][HTTP 500]: invidious.lunar.icu/api/v1/videos/KbzGy3whpy0?fields=published ((attempt 0/2)) etc.
karthink commented 1 month ago

I tried out filling both channels:

  1. Fireship: It worked without issues.
  2. MIT OpenCourseWare: It failed with the same errors that you got. I traced the errors to possible bugs in elfeed-curl (part of Elfeed). This appears to be a timing based bug, which is supposed to be impossible in Emacs, so I'm not sure yet what's going on.

Also, skeeto is not accepting PRs for Elfeed (as he's moved away from elisp for now) so fixing it for everyone is going to be tough even if I can pinpoint the bug.

As a result, I'm considering writing my own fetcher and avoiding elfeed-curl, but it will be a while before I can work on elfeed-tube. Let's leave this issue open for now.

I hope the other elfeed-tube features are working to your satisfaction.

agzam commented 1 month ago

Hmm. I still can't fetch for Fireship channel. I even tried (setq elfeed-use-curl nil). I'm using latest elfeed and emacs-version GNU Emacs 30.0.50 (build 7, x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.24.42, cairo version 1.18.0) of 2024-06-10 and curl 8.8.0. I didn't know @skeeto is not accepting PRs for Elfeed. Thank you for looking into this. I will try to debug elfeed-curl, maybe I'll get to the bottom of this. Once again, thank you!