karthink / elfeed-tube

Youtube integration for Elfeed, the feed reader for Emacs
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error when running elfeed-tube-fill-feeds #8

Closed emacsbliss closed 1 year ago

emacsbliss commented 1 year ago

got this error when running elfeed-tube-fill-feeds with latest commit:

 execute-extended-command: Autoloading file ~/.emacs.d/straight/build/elfeed-tube-mpv/elfeed-tube-utils.elc failed to define function elfeed-tube-fill-feeds
karthink commented 1 year ago

got this error when running elfeed-tube-fill-feeds with latest commit:

Oops. Should be fixed now. Depending on how you installed it, you may need to reinstall or rebuild the package for the autoloads to be regenerated correctly.

emacsbliss commented 1 year ago

Thanks a lot for the prompt fix!

It works now.

however I'm not sure if I didn't use it properly, I added the feeds from this youtube video:


then I did the backfill for this feeds.

After that I couldn't find this video from all the feeds, any ideas?

karthink commented 1 year ago


After that I couldn't find this video from all the feeds, any ideas?

It's going to be all or nothing, I don't think it can fail to add one video. Did it add any of the older videos?

emacsbliss commented 1 year ago

it does fetch some older videos, just can't find this one.. anyway, I can just get this video alone.

Thanks again for the help!

karthink commented 1 year ago

I just added this feed and filled it, and it added 464 missing video entries, including the one dated 2020-07-07 that you said was missing.

Can you check if it's an issue with your elfeed search filter? The newly fetched entries for this feed may not have had the same tags applied as your pre-existing ones.