karthink / gptel

A simple LLM client for Emacs
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Losing chunks of replies #261

Closed jwr closed 3 months ago

jwr commented 3 months ago

I only noticed this with Anthropic, but I am not 100% certain this applies to Anthropic only.

I get replies where often several characters are missing. I investigated, turned on logging and here is an example. In my output gptel session I see "dostępnośćwencji", while the log shows:

event: content_block_delta
data: {"type":"content_block_delta","index":0,"delta":{"type":"text_delta","text":" dost"}    }

event: content_block_delta
data: {"type":"content_block_delta","index":0,"delta":{"type":"text_delta","text":"ęp"}            }

event: content_block_delta
data: {"type":"content_block_delta","index":0,"delta":{"type":"text_delta","text":"ność"}           }

event: content_block_delta
data: {"type":"content_block_delta","index":0,"delta":{"type":"text_delta","text":" sek"}  }

event: content_block_delta
data: {"type":"content_block_delta","index":0,"delta":{"type":"text_delta","text":"w"}            }

event: content_block_delta
data: {"type":"content_block_delta","index":0,"delta":{"type":"text_delta","text":"enc"}               }

event: content_block_delta
data: {"type":"content_block_delta","index":0,"delta":{"type":"text_delta","text":"ji"}    }

Note the missing " sek" chunk. It's there in the log, so this would indicate that we received it, but lost it afterwards.

This happens irregularly, sometimes 1-2 times per paragraph, sometimes once every several paragraphs.

This happens at least with output to a new buffer, or to a gptel session.

karthink commented 3 months ago

Thanks, I guess the fix in #233 isn't quite complete. I It's a timing based bug, so I'll need to set up a simulation of the streaming and try to find the right conditions to reproduce it.

karthink commented 3 months ago

@jwr Could you try this:

Advise the stream filter as follows to capture the output (clear the scratch buffer first):

(defun gptel-filter-debug (_ output)
  (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create "*scratch*")
    (insert output "\n-----\n")))

(advice-add 'gptel-curl--stream-filter :before #'gptel-filter-debug)

Use the Anthropic backend and reproduce the error, then paste the contents of the scratch buffer here.

Remove the advice afterwards so you can use gptel normally.

(advice-remove 'gptel-curl--stream-filter #'gptel-filter-debug)

This should help me nail down the timing to test against.

jwr commented 3 months ago

This doesn't seem to happen as often as before, but here are some examples:

Output is "By combining anch n", should be "By combining anchored n":

event: content_block_delta
data: {"type":"content_block_delta","index":0,"delta":{"type":"text_delta","text":" By"}               }

event: content_block_delta
data: {"type":"content_block_delta","index":0,"delta":{"type":"text_delta","text":" combining"}         }

event: content_block_delta
data: {"type":"content_block_delta","index":0,"delta":{"type":"text_delta","text":" anch"}           }

event: cont
data: {"type":"content_block_delta","index":0,"delta":{"type":"text_delta","text":"ored"}        }

event: content_block_delta
data: {"type":"content_block_delta","index":0,"delta":{"type":"text_delta","text":" n"}     }

Output is "the relev and accuracy", should be "the relevance and accuracy":

event: content_block_delta
data: {"type":"content_block_delta","index":0,"delta":{"type":"text_delta","text":" the"}   }

event: content_block_delta
data: {"type":"content_block_delta","index":0,"delta":{"type":"text_delta","text":" relev"}  }

event: conten
data: {"type":"content_block_delta","index":0,"delta":{"type":"text_delta","text":"ance"}  }

event: content_block_delta
data: {"type":"content_block_delta","index":0,"delta":{"type":"text_delta","text":" and"}      }

event: content_block_delta
data: {"type":"content_block_delta","index":0,"delta":{"type":"text_delta","text":" accuracy"}             }

I hope this helps.

jwr commented 3 months ago

I just realized you wanted the entire *scratch* contents:


CestDiego commented 3 months ago

I'm having this same issue only with claude models as well.

jwr commented 3 months ago

Yes, this seems to happen with Haiku, Sonnet and Opus.

karthink commented 3 months ago

Pushed a commit (26326c30), please check if this is fixed now.

jwr commented 3 months ago

I am no longer able to reproduce the problem 🙂🙏 Thank you!

benthamite commented 2 months ago

Unfortunately, I am experiencing this same issue, despite having updated to the latest commit (#70889ad). Attached are the contents of the *scratch* buffer, after following the instructions in this comment above.

Not sure if it’s useful, but an example of missing text occurs in the sentence starting "Pero cuando encuentres algo que...".


karthink commented 2 months ago

@benthamite thanks for the data. Do you have the text as it is inserted into your buffer? I'd like to know exactly which chunk was missed.

benthamite commented 2 months ago

@karthink, yes, I saved the gptel buffer to a file, which you can find below. (The file is zipped because GitHub didn't allow me to upload the org-mode file.)

In the example above, the truncated sentence is

Pero cuando encuentres algo que teté amargando, detente.

I think the full full sentence should have been

Pero cuando encuentres algo que te esté amargando, detente.


benthamite commented 2 months ago

(There are other examples. I can list them if that helps.)