kartik-v / yii2-mailer

A mail management module for Yii 2.0 with ability to manage mail queues, templates, and more.
4 stars 2 forks source link

I look forward to this extension #1

Open andrewblake1 opened 9 years ago

andrewblake1 commented 9 years ago

Hi Kartik, I noticed this in your repository a few a days ago.

Not an issue but thought I would add a couple of ideas for your development.

The description is close to what I need, and very similar to something I wrote in plain php prior to discovering the yii framework.

Previously I used tinymce for the editor and html instead of rich text I used swiftmailer and converted image tags to embedded images. made and attached a pdf using webkittopdf - in case email client couldn't read html. replaced fields - which I guess is your tags.

Would provide it a mailing list, the template to use, and the substitutions. A daemon polled tbl_mail_queue every 5 seconds.

This time will look to use summernote (with codemirror). Will try your pdf extension. Compared tinymce, ckeditor, redactor and so far like summernote the best as more bootstrappy.

Ideas for you (you may have already thought of them but worth mentioning in case): 1./ option to automatically generate and attach pdf 2./ option to convert image tags to embedded images 3./ most likely better if used with mailing lists containing images and creating pdfs to do the embedding and attaching at send - rather than storing for each email. 4./ option potentially to use different editors as per developers preference perhaps - and perhaps html in addiction to rich text - maybe even markdown?

As a language, more users of my system a likely to be familiar with html than rich text - though I know rich text is simpler. Mostly people will use in wysiwyg mode.

For now, I will write my own simple version as I need to get something going now - but will watch for your extension.

andrewblake1 commented 8 years ago

FYI, have mine running now, happy to make it public if perhaps anything could be useful.

Things you may like to consider potentially when you get time for this project - I understand it will be very low priority - however I spent some time considering investigating and analysing options so thought some of this may potentially be of use to you one day.

Html more difficult to deal with than rich text - however more versatile and useful in my opion.

If html then http://zurb.com/ink/ seems best starting place for templates, looked as some mailchimp/campaign manager stuff but zurb stuff was better. Zurb are in the process of producing something new and better - am on their mailing list. So far due to the reliability of this I havn't bothered creating and attaching pdf copy as the responsive inlined mail template has produced consistent results across the mail clients I have tried so far.

In my situation, as well as inlining the template, I needed to inline some of the replacements as not quite as simple as just straight text substitutions e.g. invoice summaries etc as tables where styling was desired, so message queue table has child table of message queue substitutions and at mail generation time run the substitutions thru tijsverkoyen/css-to-inline-styles with a little Dom manipulation. This turns out to be a resource hog - fortunately I have running on separate server. It also doesn't 100% match what is generated by inky's inliner - but close enough so far.

Naturally best to run the queue processor as daemon hence vyants/yii2-daemon.

Versatile but potentially over complex.

andrewblake1 commented 8 years ago

Further to above - note that Zurb have a private release of their new "Foundation for Emails 2.0" http://zurb.com/article/1420/foundation-for-emails-2-making-html-email. I havn't looked into it yet and my own code is still working with their old stuff, but will do eventually

Have been watching yii2-user, but nothing I can contribute yet.

vpadhariya commented 8 years ago

Hi Kartik,

Eagerly waiting for this extension.