kartik-v / yii2-markdown

Advanced Markdown editing and conversion utilities for Yii Framework 2.0
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Multiple editors in a view breaks Js. #41

Closed Q1WP closed 9 years ago

Q1WP commented 9 years ago

When using multiple markdown editors in a single view file, only the last rendered editor works properly with the toggle preview and toggle fullscreen functions.

I haven't tested other buttons, but these seem to fail.

kartik-v commented 9 years ago

It seems a much common issue with many developers. When using multiple yii based input widgets on same page remember that most of them init the jquery plugin using HTML ID attr. You must have unique ID attr for all such widgets set via options.

Q1WP commented 9 years ago

I know.

I am careful to always specify the id for each attribute to prevent this issue.

The source code here on GitHub doesn't have the constant inputOptions in the markdown editor like you show in the docs.

But it looks like in the source you are using options so I am using the following to set the id and it still doesn't work.

return $form->field($model, $attribute)->widget(MarkdownEditor::classname(), [
    //'height' => 300,
    'options' => [
        'id' => $attribute,
    'encodeLabels' => false,
    'showExport' => false,
    'toolbar' => $customToolbar,
    'footerButtons' => $footerButtons,
    'footerMessage' => $footerMessage1,

I am even setting the id of the actual buttons:

    'buttons' => [
        MarkdownEditor::BTN_PREVIEW => ['icon' => 'search', 'title' => 'Preview Formatted Text'],
    'options' => ['class' => 'pull-right', 'id' => 'preview-' . $attribute]
    'buttons' => [
    MarkdownEditor::BTN_MAXIMIZE => ['icon' => 'fullscreen', 'title' => 'Toggle Full Screen', 'data-enabled' => true],
    'options' => ['class' => 'pull-right', 'id' => 'fullscreen-' . $attribute]

It seems that the preview button works correctly now, but the toggle fullscrreen button only works correctly on the last rendered widget. The toggle fullscreen button actually will enlarge the window on the first rendered widget, but then the two buttons are disabled and it won't go back to small.

What am I missing?

Q1WP commented 9 years ago

I have tried over and over to solve this but cant seem to get anywhere.

It is as thought the maximize and preview buttons are disabled when the first rendered editor goes fullscreen.

The preview button works fine on both editors, and the fullscreen button works fine on the second editor, but the first editor will only go fullscreen, not minimize.

derekisbusy commented 9 years ago

I have fixed this issue in my branch...
