kartik-v / yii2-tree-manager

An advanced tree management module using nested sets for Yii 2.
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Hash Mismatch after update #221

Closed buttflattery closed 5 years ago

buttflattery commented 5 years ago

I recently updated composer and my yii2-tree-manager extension was updated from 8ab3047 => 2e40aec and i started receiving the error for mismatch hash when clicking on any of the tree nodes.

Invalid request signature detected during tree data manage action! Please refresh the page and retry.

I matched the view file _form and noticed that the code related to $dataToHash was removed from within the view and only hidden inputs are contained.

<?= Html::hiddenInput('treeManageHash', $treeManageHash) ?>
<?= Html::hiddenInput('treeRemoveHash', $treeRemoveHash) ?>
<?= Html::hiddenInput('treeMoveHash', $treeMoveHash) ?>

I removed the sections which are not needed any more and after fixing everything i still get the mismatch hash error, the difference is because of the class name btn-default within the start of the string after the model name, common\models\Campaignbtn-default that is in the old hash but not in the new , that is the only difference which is not allowing it to match see below.

OLD HASH: 4ade142bbd6032ee3d9562dbcdbf5a1f876ff77d8b0407843cdcd713904b263dcommon\models\Campaignbtn-defaulthttp://www.kp2.local/node/save/manage-campaigns@backend/views/campaign/_formw0-nodeselnodenodes1111{"id":"w0-nodeform"}{"1":"","2":"","3":"","4":"","5":""}{"submit":"","reset":""}[]"none"{"activeCss":"active","depth":"","glue":" » ","untitled":"Untitled"} NEW HASH: 2e407f8d57789f9ff8a00ebf1f7b516422ab74bf4a8fdda22023356e004f36cbcommon\models\Campaignhttp://www.kp2.local/node/save/manage-campaigns@backend/views/campaign/_formw0-nodeselnodenodes1111{"id":"w0-nodeform"}{"1":"","2":"","3":"","4":"","5":""}{"submit":"","reset":""}[]"none"{"activeCss":"active","depth":"","glue":" » ","untitled":"Untitled"}

I have been scratching my head about where it is being added from in the old hash, and how can I remove it.

Also, how can I freeze the extension on a specific version and not update if I run composer update, I have "kartik-v/yii2-tree-manager": "@dev", in my composer.json file.

kartik-v commented 5 years ago

Check the following:

  1. your application runtime web assets must be cleaned up
  2. your browser cache is cleaned up (after this you can click CTRL-refresh on browser OR restart it)

Then report. Cross check with the demos (it should work).

buttflattery commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the heads-up @kartik-v , I am using the default code for the extension and using the TreeView as a widget but yes I use custom form view, and I have checked everything that has been changed in the view.

But after your reply I noticed that you have Updated to release v1.1.1 so I ran the composer update again and now the hash mismatch error is gone and a new issue rises, now it says

No Campaign Selected

as i have provided this text for the option emptyNodeMsg in the TreeView::widget(). If i copy paste the view provided by the extension it starts working correctly and as i switch back to my view it starts saying the same that No Campaign is Selected ?

The params sent with the request when we click on any node using my custom view is below

_csrf-backend   XP8WbMRCOgoMDzwRfiv_wCxqZN1s2XWZ77DN1P_Q1Qo2yHku9hZzfFhZVSYMHZC5Qjgtgl_pQ96N0p-OnLOiMg==
allowNewRoots   true
breadcrumbs[activeCss]  active
breadcrumbs[glue]   +&raquo;+
breadcrumbs[untitled]   Untitled
currUrl /manage-campaigns
defaultBtnCss   btn-default
formAction  http://www.kp2.local/node/save
formOptions[id] w0-nodeform
iconsList   none
id  1
isAdmin true
modelClass  common\models\Campaign
multiple    true
nodeSelected    w0-nodesel
nodeTitle   node
nodeTitlePlural nodes
nodeView    @backend/views/campaign/_form
nodeViewButtonLabels[reset] <i+class="glyphicon+glyphicon-repeat"></i>
nodeViewButtonLabels[submit]    <i+class="glyphicon+glyphicon-floppy-disk"></i>
noNodesMessage  <div+class="kv-node-message">No+campaigns+selected</div>
showFormButtons true
showIDAttribute false
showNameAttribute   true
softDelete  false
treeManageHash  f9e73bba957add519b115217a89329c8a3453a9511ef740deb25fab1dda3bc06common\models\Campaignbtn-defaulthttp://www.kp2.local/node/save/manage-campaigns@backend/views/campaign/_formw0-nodeselnodenodes<div+class="kv-node-message">No+campaigns+selected</div>1111{"id":"w0-nodeform"}{"1":"","2":"","3":"","4":"","5":""}{"submit":"<i+class=\"glyphicon+glyphicon-floppy-disk\"></i>","reset":"<i+class=\"glyphicon+glyphicon-repeat\"></i>"}[]"none"{"activeCss":"active","depth":"","glue":"+&raquo;+","untitled":"Untitled"}
treeMoveHash    516f6ac42807bbf2cbcb5d3b241ff167c9e61a65513f8c8587f00b2ab1ff3e0bcommon\models\Campaign1
treeRemoveHash  cf11aede2fe19714be923591dd67286e3c7eb5f7813e6aeb97e6240780465c67common\models\Campaign

and when using default view it shows below params that has the only difference in the _csrf-backend

_csrf-backend   kSCVyTbryVEiTmVlDLwNcCUGe1OqowSzxYl2bJm-dvb7F_qLBL-AJ3YYDFJ-imIJS1QyDJmTMvSn6yQ2-t0Bzg==
allowNewRoots   true
breadcrumbs[activeCss]  active
breadcrumbs[glue]   +&raquo;+
breadcrumbs[untitled]   Untitled
currUrl /manage-campaigns
defaultBtnCss   btn-default
formAction  http://www.kp2.local/node/save
formOptions[id] w0-nodeform
iconsList   none
id  1
isAdmin true
modelClass  common\models\Campaign
multiple    true
nodeSelected    w0-nodesel
nodeTitle   node
nodeTitlePlural nodes
nodeView    @backend/views/campaign/_form
nodeViewButtonLabels[reset] <i+class="glyphicon+glyphicon-repeat"></i>
nodeViewButtonLabels[submit]    <i+class="glyphicon+glyphicon-floppy-disk"></i>
noNodesMessage  <div+class="kv-node-message">No+campaigns+selected</div>
showFormButtons true
showIDAttribute false
showNameAttribute   true
softDelete  false
treeManageHash  f9e73bba957add519b115217a89329c8a3453a9511ef740deb25fab1dda3bc06common\models\Campaignbtn-defaulthttp://www.kp2.local/node/save/manage-campaigns@backend/views/campaign/_formw0-nodeselnodenodes<div+class="kv-node-message">No+campaigns+selected</div>1111{"id":"w0-nodeform"}{"1":"","2":"","3":"","4":"","5":""}{"submit":"<i+class=\"glyphicon+glyphicon-floppy-disk\"></i>","reset":"<i+class=\"glyphicon+glyphicon-repeat\"></i>"}[]"none"{"activeCss":"active","depth":"","glue":"+&raquo;+","untitled":"Untitled"}
treeMoveHash    516f6ac42807bbf2cbcb5d3b241ff167c9e61a65513f8c8587f00b2ab1ff3e0bcommon\models\Campaign1
treeRemoveHash  cf11aede2fe19714be923591dd67286e3c7eb5f7813e6aeb97e6240780465c67common\models\Campaign
kartik-v commented 5 years ago

The solution is to take the default view again and just embed your custom view components one by one (without changing the default hidden inputs and default conditions) to see where you have an error. This is because some conditions have changed in validating the params sent to the view.

buttflattery commented 5 years ago

Ok @kartik-v , let me do that again and I will get back to you, meanwhile, i noticed that there is a missing <?= tag before the field inside the view on line 265 under SECTION 7, before you call $form->field($node, $iconTypeAttribute)->dropdownList([, see below

<?php if($iconsList === 'text'): ?>
            <div class="row">
                <div class="col-sm-4">
                    $form->field($node, $iconTypeAttribute)->dropdownList([
                    TreeView::ICON_CSS => 'CSS Suffix',
                    TreeView::ICON_RAW => 'Raw Markup',
                    ], $inputOpts) ?>
                <div class="col-sm-8">
                    <?= $form->field($node, $iconAttribute)->textInput($inputOpts) ?>
        <?php endif; ?>