kartik-v / yii2-tree-manager

An advanced tree management module using nested sets for Yii 2.
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No Migration found #232

Closed kavasey closed 5 years ago

kavasey commented 5 years ago

Hello, Thank you for your good and marvellous yii2 widgets.

yii migrate/up --migrationPath=@vendor/kartik-v/yii2-tree-manager/migrations

No new migrations found. Your system is up-to-date.

Had to change it to yii migrate/up --migrationPath=@vendor/kartik-v/yii2-tree-manager/src/migrations Perhaps the docs or README needs to be updated?

Additional errors Apply the above migrations? (yes|no) [no]:yes *** applying m180628_055357_alter_tree

add column child_allowed boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT TRUE to table {{%tree}} ...Exception: SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'doobia_dev.tree' doesn't exist

Again it is applying the alter_tree migration before the tree migration hence the errors.

Am I missing something? Thanks

kartik-v commented 5 years ago

Thanks. The migration path has been corrected in documentation.