kartikk221 / hyper-express

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Router Spread Middleware Execution Order Inconsistency #285

Open RohinBhargava opened 2 months ago

RohinBhargava commented 2 months ago

I am observing some unexpected behavior when using specific route middlewares in a spread style pattern in a Router:

Scenario 1:

Consider the following code:

const appMiddleware = (req: any, res: any, next: () => void) => {
  console.log('should be line 1');

const routerMiddleware = (req: any, res: any, next: () => void) => {
  console.log('should be line 2');

const specificMiddleware = (req: any, res: any, next: () => void) => {
  console.log('should be line 3');

const handlerFunction = (req: any, res: { send: (arg0: string) => void; }) => {
  console.log('should be line 4')

const app = HyperExpress.express();

const testRouter = new HyperExpress.Router();
testRouter.get('/', specificMiddleware, handlerFunction);
app.use('/test', testRouter);

app.listen(8000, () => {
  console.log('server is running');

When calling /test, this results in:

server is running
should be line 1
should be line 3
should be line 2
should be line 4

Scenario 2:

Now if we use the code:

const app = HyperExpress.express();

const testRouter = new HyperExpress.Router();
testRouter.get('/', handlerFunction);
app.use('/test', testRouter);

app.listen(8000, () => {
  console.log('server is running');

The above code outputs the correct execution order:

server is running
should be line 1
should be line 2
should be line 3
should be line 4


I believe this is due to the compile() function on app startup. When using the spread style arguments in scenario 1, the execution order before and after sorting middlewares.sort((a, b) => a.id - b.id); is:

before sort [
    id: 0,
    pattern: '',
    handler: [Function: appMiddleware],
    match: true
    id: 2,
    pattern: '/test',
    handler: [Function: routerMiddleware],
    match: true
    id: 1,
    pattern: '/test',
    handler: [Function: specificMiddleware],
    match: false
after sort [
    id: 0,
    pattern: '',
    handler: [Function: appMiddleware],
    match: true
    id: 1,
    pattern: '/test',
    handler: [Function: specificMiddleware],
    match: false
    id: 2,
    pattern: '/test',
    handler: [Function: routerMiddleware],
    match: true

In scenario 2, the before/after looks correct:

before sort [
    id: 0,
    pattern: '',
    handler: [Function: appMiddleware],
    match: true
    id: 2,
    pattern: '/test',
    handler: [Function: routerMiddleware],
    match: true
    id: 3,
    pattern: '/test',
    handler: [Function: specificMiddleware],
    match: true
after sort [
    id: 0,
    pattern: '',
    handler: [Function: appMiddleware],
    match: true
    id: 2,
    pattern: '/test',
    handler: [Function: routerMiddleware],
    match: true
    id: 3,
    pattern: '/test',
    handler: [Function: specificMiddleware],
    match: true

I believe this is happening because when compiling a route, the line id: this.id picks up the id from the Server, which is behind the app_middlewares (?). A patch that works for me is to calculate the max id from the global middlewares and then add that to the id in the specific middlewares section of the compile function. E.g.:

const offset = middlewares.reduce((max, middleware) => middleware.id > max ? middleware.id : max, 0);

// Push the route-specific middlewares to the array at the end
if (Array.isArray(this.options.middlewares))
    this.options.middlewares.forEach((middleware) =>
            id: this.id + offset,
            handler: middleware,
            match: false, // Route-specific middlewares do not need to be matched
kartikk221 commented 1 month ago

This seems to occur because the id is incrementally generated at runtime to maintain the assignment order. The problem is that making any changes to this behavior might be a breaking change unless you have a potential solution which solves your issue without breaking the current global behavior?

RohinBhargava commented 1 month ago

Yeah, I think when the router is instantiated, the id becomes 0. I think in the compilation, step, we can add the inline middlewares to the end of the middleware inventory by assigning them an id + an offset, where the offset is the max of the global/router middlewares, as suggested above. Thoughts on that?