kartoza / GEEST

Gender Enabling Environments Spatial Tool (GEEST)
MIT License
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Factor: Safety- Street lights/Nigthttime ligths #53

Open amyburness opened 1 week ago

amyburness commented 1 week ago


endpoint: object--street-light

This indicator should be calculated by creating 20-meter buffers around streetlights. Raster cells in which 80-100% of their area intersects with the buffers should receive a score of 5. Rasters with 60-79% intersection should be scored as 4, 40-59% as 3, 20-39% as 2, and 1-19% as 1. Areas without any overlap with streetlight buffers should be scored as 0. NOTE: Use nighttime lights only if street lights are absent.

Nighttime Lights

Nighttime lights observation data from a Low light imaging sensor part of the Visible and Infrared Imaging Suite (VIIRS) Day Night Band (DNB). Unit - (average, average-masked, max, median, median-masked, min) nW/cm2/sr, CRS - EPSG:4326 (Geographic Latitude/Longitude), Resolution - 15 arc second (~500m at the Equator)

carolinamayh commented 9 hours ago

If data for streetlights or nighttime lights is unavailable, or if the user has disaggregated statistics, they should have the option to provide data on women's perceived safety at the municipal, district, state, or any other required level. The tool would then standardize these scores, percentages, or statistics on a scale from 0 to 5, where 5 indicates the lowest level of violence or the highest level of perceived safety.