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Metadata in GeoNode #196

Closed SterckxArnaud closed 3 years ago

SterckxArnaud commented 3 years ago

Hello team, I would like to modify what metadata are mandatory and which are not in GeoNode (see below). Can you please implement it? I am tempted to remove the Category and the Restriction fields, which I find useless. However it might not be worth modifying the codes, what do you think? image image

timlinux commented 3 years ago



1.2 INSPIRE specific constraints Here is an initial list of INSPIRE constraints applicable to an ISO 19115/ISO 19119 metadata set (i.e. an instance of MD_Metadata) describing a resource: SC1. MD_Metadata.language is mandatory; SC2. MD_Metadata.hierarchyLevel is mandatory; SC3. INSPIRE only considers the first instance of MD_Metadata.hierarchyLevel (i.e. MD_Metadata.hierarchyLevel[1]) when there are many; SC4. If the value of MD_Metadata.hierarchyLevel[1] is not service, dataset or series, the metadata set is out of scope of the directive; SC5. When there are many instances of MD_Metadata.identificationInfo, only the first one (i.e. MD_Metadata.identificationInfo[1]) concerns the current INSPIRE Resource; SC6. INSPIRE only considers the instance of MD_Metadata.dataQualityInfo applicable to the whole resource; SC7. There shall not be more than one instance of MD_Metadata.identificationInfo[1].MD_Identification.citation.CI_Citation.date declared as a creation date (i.e. CI_Date.dateType having the creation value); SC8. MD_Metadata.identificationInfo[1].MD_DataIdentification.citation.CI_Citation.identifier is mandatory for metadata sets related to spatial dataset and spatial dataset series; SC9. The data type of MD_Metadata.identificationInfo.MD_DataIdentification.language is the codelist LanguageCode from ISO/TS 19139; SC10. There is at least one instance of MD_Metadata.identificationInfo[1].MD_DataIdentification.extent defining the geographic location of the resource as a geographic bounding box (i.e. an instance of EX_GeographicBoundingBox or one of its subclasses). SC11. MD_Metadata.identificationInfo[1].SV_ServiceIdentification.operatesOn shall be instantiated by reference SC12. There shall be at least one instance of MD_Metadata.identificationInfo[1].MD_Identification.resourceConstraints 11SC13. The coordinates of the bounding boxes (instance of EX_GeographicBoundingBox) shall be expressed in any geodetic coordinate reference system with the Greenwich Prime MeridianSC14. For datasets and series: MD_Metadata.identificationInfo[1].MD_DataIdentification.pointOfContact[1].CI_ResponsibleParty.organisationName and MD_Metadata.identificationInfo[1].MD_DataIdentification.pointOfContact[1].CI_ResponsibleParty.contactInfo.CI_Contact.address.CI_Address.electronicMailAddress are mandatory. For services these elements are also mandatory but they are referred as follows: MD_Metadata.identificationInfo[1].SV_ServiceIdentification.pointOfContact[1].CI_ResponsibleParty.organisationName and MD_Metadata.identificationInfo[1].SV_ServiceIdentification.pointOfContact[1].CI_ResponsibleParty.contactInfo.CI_Contact.address.CI_Address.electronicMailAddress. SC15. MD_Metadata.contact[1].CI_ResponsibleParty.organisationName and MD_Metadata.contact[1].CI_ResponsibleParty.contactInfo.CI_Contact.address.CI_Address.electronicMailAddress are mandatory. SC16. The value of MD_Metadata.contact[1].CI_ResponsibleParty.role.CI_RoleCode shall be pointOfContact. SC17. For datasets and series at least one keyword of GEMET thesaurus shall be documented using MD_Metadata.identificationInfo[1].MD_DataIdentification.descriptiveKeywords. SC18. For services at least one keyword of Part D.4 of Commission Regulation (EC) No. 1205/2008 shall be documented using MD_Metadata.identificationInfo[1].SV_ServiceIdentification.descriptiveKeywords

NyakudyaA commented 3 years ago

@ArnaudIGRAC The topic category is managed from the admin page https://staging.igrac.kartoza.com/en/admin/base/topiccategory/.


If you untick the value is Choice for all expect one value. It will default to that one when populating metadata

The same applies to the Restriction Types: https://staging.igrac.kartoza.com/en/admin/base/restrictioncodetype/

The license type is also the same in the new geonode version so maybe @meomancer needs to update the GeoNode to match this functionality in the admin interface.

SterckxArnaud commented 3 years ago

Thanks Admire, Nice that we can modify the lists of metadata. Can you also modify which fields are mandatory?

NyakudyaA commented 3 years ago

Thanks Admire, Nice that we can modify the lists of metadata. Can you also modify which fields are mandatory?

There is no option to exclude a certain field from the list. However, there is an option that controls if you need to set the field to be mandatory ie You can make the Category field mandatory so that users cannot save the metadata without that field.

SterckxArnaud commented 3 years ago

Hi Admire, what I want to do is to modify the fields framed in red, those on which the metadata completeness is evaluated. What is the procedure?

NyakudyaA commented 3 years ago

These are listed under mandatory in fields in GeoNode metadata field

This is because there is a setting that can be activated that will prevent users from being able to save the form without completing them.

But you have tagged them as not mandatory in your instance. You can still save the form without capturing anything in them however to flag them as optional they would need to be some custom development for the code to cater to this

SterckxArnaud commented 3 years ago

image So we would need custom development in order to not have that field (for example) framed in red?

NyakudyaA commented 3 years ago

image So we would need custom development in order to not have that field (for example) framed in red?

Yes, The best solution would be to add a flag to hide some fields using the admin interface

SterckxArnaud commented 3 years ago

No action for now, maybe for a future project