kartoza / IGRAC-GGIS

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Add additional upload files #583

Closed SterckxArnaud closed 3 months ago

SterckxArnaud commented 1 year ago

There are currently 2 upload files: General Information and Monitoring Data. We would need to develop additional upload files for uploading: Drilling and Construction Hydrogeology Management

meomancer commented 8 months ago

Hi @SterckxArnaud This is already implemented The PR : https://github.com/kartoza/IGRAC-WellAndMonitoringDatabase/pull/113

I will release it after my leave (22 Jan)

Here is additional tab Selection_008

Our form has been updated Now we can upload files similiar with file that we have when download data Selection_004 Selection_009

SterckxArnaud commented 7 months ago

Hi Irwan, I don't see the upload files for Hydrogeology and Management image Once it is done I will provide you with some updated text to introduce the upload files

meomancer commented 7 months ago

Hi @SterckxArnaud , cc @Eliegergesgerges @clau1313

I'm sorry, i put wrong url, i will fix it on Friday Please use these files below

General Information : https://ggis.un-igrac.org/static/download_template/wells.xlsx (General Information, Hydrogeology, Management) Monitoring data : https://ggis.un-igrac.org/static/download_template/monitoring_data.xlsx (Groundwater Level, Groundwater Quality, Abstraction-Discharge) Drilling and Construction : https://ggis.un-igrac.org/static/download_template/drilling_and_construction.xlsx (Drilling and Construction, Water Strike, Stratigraphic Log, Structures)

If we need to update just Hydrogelogy for example, use General Information, make "General Information" and "Management" empty.

I will fix the url as well as the updated introduced text on Friday

SterckxArnaud commented 6 months ago

Hi Irwan, the template for uploading well data (https://ggis.un-igrac.org/static/upload_template/well.xlsx) and monitoring data (https://ggis.un-igrac.org/static/upload_template/monitoring_data.xlsx) are not available: 404 Not Found.

In the upload (and download) file Drilling & Construction, could you please rename the sheet "Drilling and Construction" into "Drilling", and the sheet "Structures" into "Construction"? Also, in the database, could you please rename "Design" into "Construction"? I noticed that there were some inconsistencies between the terms in use.

I also would like to suggest the following text to introduce the various batch upload categories:

General Information This batch upload file contains three sheets: General Information, Hydrogeology and Management. Use a different row for each well (or other data point). Use the fields below to assign a license and additional restrictions. These will apply to all the wells contained in the upload file.

Download the batch upload file template.

Monitoring Data This batch upload file contains three sheets: Groundwater Level, Groundwater Quality and Abstraction-Discharge. Use a different row for each measurement.

Download the batch upload file template.

Drilling and Construction This batch upload file contains four sheets: Drilling, Water Strike, Stratigraphic Log and Construction. In the first sheet Drilling, use a different row for each well (or other data point). The other sheets accept multiple rows per well: multiple water strikes, multiple stratigraphic layers, and multiple construction parts.

Download the batch upload file template.

clau1313 commented 6 months ago

Hi @meomancer, would it be possible to change the extension of the files to .ods, instead of .xlsx? The reason is that .ods is a "preferred format" for interoperabilty, and we are trying to comply with FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) requirements. Please let us know. Thanks!


meomancer commented 6 months ago


meomancer commented 5 months ago

Hi @clau1313 @SterckxArnaud @MarinaKartoza It is possible to change to ods, but it will changes a lot of codes because the library is different and the method to read/write is also different

It is around 2/3 days and we also need to test it before release it

The place that is needed:

I have created ticket for this : https://github.com/kartoza/IGRAC-GGIS/issues/684 So we can close this ticket as the original issue is different

Could we close this ticket and continue discuss on the new ticket?