Closed gubuntu closed 2 years ago
Here's the solution
Do we already have SRTM for SA in a PostGIS DB? We could use that directly else load it into the SAGTA PostGIS backend.
@gubuntu Do we have a DEM yet? From what it seems we don't. I've created a SRTM DEM mosaic which covers the entire SA a few months ago "for fun" on my own time. Its still at 30m spatial resolution, about 2gb ins size, but pretty sure we can use better storage/format.
@gubuntu Do we have a DEM yet? From what it seems we don't. I've created a SRTM DEM mosaic which covers the entire SA a few months ago "for fun" on my own time. Its still at 30m spatial resolution, about 2gb ins size, but pretty sure we can use better storage/format.
We already have this also in maps.kartoza but can you clip to SA extent and convert to COG and I will upload it to the cloud storage
We have various DEMs in various places, @NyakudyaA probably knows best. Read the plugin specifications carefully. If working in an area covered by IGN you would use that service, otherwise it needs a DEM loaded into PostGIS. If we already have one in PG then try to use that. I know we used to to have one to support a DEM service we ran for MyFarmWeb. But if not, you're welcome to use yours.
Are you able to set up the extension or do you need @NyakudyaA or @dominicschaff to help? Etienne, one of the developers, used to work for us so you can also ask him if we get stuck.
No CoG, from my reading of the docs it has to be in PG.
I think we should be able to use the one in the backend if it is already in PG (or is it just a tiff?)
I haven't read the docs for the plugin but we do not have a raster in the DB. I would rather we spin up a PostgreSQL Db with this stack and ingest the raster because we want the request to be very fast
@NyakudyaA Its already clipped/masked to the coastal boundary (love using dark mode on qgis), but will perform clipping to the northern SA border as well.
In the docs they mention the raster type should be MNT
. @gubuntu do you know how to configure this on ingestion to the DB
I think it's just French for DEM
Still debugging why the request are failing
Just update here. I am getting somewhere now.
Still the error is coming from the query that is generated in the backend to actually draw the profile
2022-04-14 16:59:11 error Spatialite is not available
2022-04-14 16:59:36 error 2022-04-14 16:59:36 [403] invalid query (ERROR: step size cannot equal zero(
line AS(
-- From an arbitrary line
ST_Transform(ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(24.558229, -28.676768),4326), 4326),
ST_Transform(ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(24.607667, -28.695742),4326), 4326)
AS geom
linemesure AS(
-- Add a mesure dimension to extract steps
ST_AddMeasure(line.geom, 0, ST_Length(line.geom)) as linem,
--for very long line we reduce the steps
WHEN ST_Length(line.geom)::int < 1000 THEN 0
ELSE 0*5
) as i,
WHEN ST_Length(line.geom)::int < 1000 THEN 0
ELSE 0*5
END as resolution
FROM line
points2d AS (
SELECT ST_GeometryN(ST_LocateAlong(linem, i), 1) AS geom, resolution FROM linemesure
cells AS (
-- Get DEM elevation for each
p.geom AS geom,
ST_Value(dem.rast, 1, p.geom) AS val,
FROM dem, points2d p
WHERE ST_Intersects(dem.rast, p.geom)
-- Instantiate 3D points
points3d AS (
ST_MakePoint(ST_X(geom), ST_Y(geom), val),
) AS geom, resolution FROM cells
line3D AS(
SELECT ST_MakeLine(geom)as geom, MAX(resolution) as resolution FROM points3d
xz AS(
SELECT (ST_DumpPoints(geom)).geom AS geom,
ST_StartPoint(geom) AS origin, resolution
FROM line3D
-- Build 3D line from 3D points
SELECT ST_distance(origin, geom) AS x, ST_Z(geom) as y, ST_X(geom) as lon, ST_Y(geom) as lat, resolution FROM xz)) /www/lib/jelix/plugins/db/pgsql/pgsql.dbconnection.php 187
Update: Partially working now but since to be an issue with using a DEM in 4326
Update this seems to be working now but the SQL queries for generating the profile seem to be a bit slow:
Update: I have optimised the SQL that generates points along the elevation
profile_line as (
ST_Transform(ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(24.505014, -28.634891),4326), 3857),
ST_Transform(ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(24.829797, -28.730670),4326), 3857)) as geom
linemesure AS(
-- Add a mesure dimension to extract steps
WHEN ST_Length(geom)::int < 1000 THEN 30
ELSE 30*5
END as resolution, geom
from profile_line
transect AS (
SELECT ST_Segmentize(
AS geom,resolution
from linemesure
rast AS (
SELECT ST_Union(south_africa.rast) AS rast, resolution
FROM south_africa
JOIN transect
ON ST_Intersects(transect.geom, ST_ConvexHull(south_africa.rast))
group by transect.resolution
z AS (
SELECT rast.resolution,(ST_DumpPoints(ST_SetZ(rast.rast, transect.geom, resample => 'bilinear'))).*
FROM rast
CROSS JOIN transect
cells AS (
SELECT round(ST_Z(geom)) AS val, geom, resolution
-- Instantiate 3D points
points3d AS (
ST_MakePoint(ST_X(geom), ST_Y(geom), val),
) AS geom, resolution FROM cells
line3D AS(
SELECT ST_MakeLine(geom)as geom, MAX(resolution) as resolution FROM points3d
xz AS(
SELECT (ST_DumpPoints(geom)).geom AS geom,
ST_StartPoint(geom) AS origin, resolution
FROM line3D
-- Build 3D line from 3D points
SELECT ST_distance(origin, geom) AS x, ST_Z(geom) as y, ST_X(ST_Transform(geom, 4326)) as lon, ST_Y(ST_Transform(geom, 4326)) as lat, resolution FROM xz
This should speed up generating profiles no matter how big the line is. Will add this to the profile tool
This has been deployed to both staging and production
allow pro users (members) to digitise a line and return a profile that can also be saved as a pdf.
What to use as base DEM?
supersedes #4