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Synthesis analysis and maps #37

Open gubuntu opened 4 years ago

gubuntu commented 4 years ago

an integrative spatial evaluation of environmental, ecological, social & economic priorities and their overlap

“spatial scenario building” highlights both opportunities for synergy and associated constraints under a range of conditions, which can include running the various downscaled climate models and resulting changes to precipitation, temperature, ecological river flow and agricultural viability

"spatial prioritization to explicitly develop human and ecosystem resilience to climate change. They identified and ranked those geographical areas that meet environmental and ecological criteria important in mitigating climatic variation and those which provide critical ecosystem services to communities. For example, by deciding that the delivery of water-related ecological services is a priority, key wetland and riparian features are identified that maximize hydrological functions such as flood and erosion control or increased water flow and water quality. Identifying such key areas as either being in good condition or else degraded, alongside their hydrological function, allows spatial vizualisations to be built that represent those areas still in good condition and providing important services and those sites where remedial work may be of value, as well as locations of low value because of anthropogenic transformation or loss"

"Such systematic spatial analyses allow a series of different key spatial layers to be prioritized, which when overlain and integrated, identify those areas most necessary for delivering: i) improved livelihoods, ii) opportunities for Integrated Water Resource Management, iii) maintenance and enhancement of ecosystem services, iv) conservation of biodiversity, and v) sustainability and resilience to climate change"