kartoza / WBR-SEMP

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10. describe the human population #51

Closed gubuntu closed 3 years ago

gubuntu commented 4 years ago
Zone permanently seasonally
10.1 Core Area(s)
10.2 Buffer Zone(s):
10.3 Transition Area(s):

ref biosphere_reserve_nomination_form_2013_en.pdf

NyakudyaA commented 3 years ago
  [Approximate number of people living within the proposed biosphere reserve]
  permanently / seasonally

Zone permanently seasonally 10.1 Core Area(s)
10.2 Buffer Zone(s):
10.3 Transition Area(s):

Zone Total Population
core 34744
buffer 19880
transition 142477

There is no distinction between seasonally and permanent in the census stats

* [ ]  10.4 Brief description of local communities living within or near the proposed biosphere reserve. (Indicate ethnic origin and composition, minorities etc., main economic activities (e.g. pastoralism, tourism) and the location of their main areas of concentration, with reference to the map (section 6.2)).
Zone Black African Coloured Indian White Other
core 30509 60 50 4039 86
buffer 17331 148 52 2248 101
transition 137251 134 861 4025 206
* [ ]  10.5 Name(s) of the major settlement(s) within and near the proposed biosphere reserve with
  reference to the map (section 6.2):

Settlement layer from http://app01.saeon.ac.za:8086/geoserver/BEA/wms?service=WMS&version=1.1.0&request=GetMap&layers=BEA:CSIR_SATypology_2013_LL&styles=&bbox=16.451920000028533,-34.83416989569374,32.892531746697685,-22.125030000001036&width=512&height=395&srs=EPSG:4326&format=application/openlayers


NGI doesn't have a settlement layer.

* [ ]  10.6. Cultural significance:
  (Briefly describe the proposed biosphere reserve's importance in terms of past and current cultural values (religious, historical, political, social, ethnological) and others, if possible with distinction between material and intangible heritage (c.f. UNESCO Convention concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage 1972 and UNESCO Convention for the Safeguard of the Intangible Cultural Heritage 2003 (http://portal.unesco.org/en/ev.php- URL_ID=13055&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201.html and http://portal.unesco.org/en/ev.php- URL_ID=17716&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201.html)).

* [ ]  10.7 Specify the number of spoken and written languages (including ethnic, minority and endangered languages) in the biosphere reserve.
  (Refer, for instance, to the UNESCO Atlas of Endangered languages (http://www.unesco.org/culture/languages- atlas/index.php)).

The data from Unesco depicts only 10 languages in SA and none in the wbr region languages-unesco

zone Afrikaans English IsiNdebele IsiXhosa IsiZulu Sepedi Sesotho Setswana Sign language SiSwati Tshivenda Xitsonga Other Unspecified Not applicable
buffer 1839 414 108 1287 282 2865 579 2148 24 72 165 1179 504 0 5874
transition 4146 1704 4443 258 1212 110349 2007 2505 201 81 603 8598 1926 0 1590
core 2973 738 345 324 549 9045 729 11829 78 48 291 1965 738 0 2229

ref biosphere_reserve_nomination_form_2013_en.pdf

zacharlie commented 3 years ago

10.5 Name(s) of the major settlement(s) within and near the proposed biosphere reserve with

reference to the map (section 6.2):

The map provided (6.2) in #47 is currently expected to be the same as #57, which is https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/64078329/101136140-919b0180-3615-11eb-81a4-e4977971c87b.png.

The settlement names can be listed from the survey village layers and town names generated for cartographic purposes.

Town names

Survey Village names

10.6. Cultural significance:

I believe this has already been suitably covered with the available resources in #55 in section 15.6 Spiritual and cultural values and customary practices: (Provide an overview of values and practices, including cultural diversity)

gubuntu commented 3 years ago

nice work @NyakudyaA and @zacharlie

gubuntu commented 1 year ago

updates nov 2022

from FB population: 10.1: core: 23239 10.2: buffer: 234281 10.3: transition: 465102