kartoza / docker-qgis-desktop

A docker project that will run your QGIS desktop app inside a docker container
GNU General Public License v2.0
98 stars 46 forks source link

Cannot connect to X server unix:1 #19

Open kofronpi opened 7 years ago

kofronpi commented 7 years ago


I tried to run your docker qgis (without attaching to a postgis db) but it failed:

Pulling qgisdesktop (kartoza/qgis-desktop:2.14)...
2.14: Pulling from kartoza/qgis-desktop
8b87079b7a06: Pull complete
a3ed95caeb02: Pull complete
313cd0003722: Pull complete
c6c61c066ed5: Pull complete
e33e35a14640: Pull complete
655f54fb8796: Pull complete
8b688443b5e4: Pull complete
6fde39a647f9: Pull complete
1c2c6f3d0e0b: Pull complete
10faa1575c24: Pull complete
2127edd83feb: Pull complete
a5ea21a90b19: Pull complete
13f33ae799bd: Pull complete
52762fd4efdc: Pull complete
d77e68ef7695: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:5c9da833ff651c7829614d800f1da2493f2a386d7b3e3a42bdec1d0e0f58dd4f
Status: Downloaded newer image for kartoza/qgis-desktop:2.14
Creating qgis_qgisdesktop_1
Attaching to qgis_qgisdesktop_1
qgisdesktop_1 | Warning: qgis: cannot connect to X server unix:1
qgis_qgisdesktop_1 exited with code 1
ksketo commented 7 years ago

You need to change the environment variable in your compose file to DISPLAY=${ip}:0 , where ip is (in mac os x) ip=$(ifconfig en0 | grep inet | awk '$1=="inet" {print $2}')

Inkimar commented 3 years ago

Hi @ksketo ,

I am running this on Ubuntu 19 I guess that command fetches the ip-adress, but how would one construct that command when running multiple docker-containers etc? or could I just write the ip as in : DISPLAY=
