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We need technical documentation and backups #275

Open timlinux opened 5 years ago

timlinux commented 5 years ago

We need to update the system documentation and ensure the site is being backed up:

We are going to cover this in more details during our technical dept sprint next month, but since you are putting up a production site, now is the time to ensure some basic documentation of the deployment and maintenance of the system is place. You will find this folder contains templates for our technical documentation (currently editable / viewable by Kartoza staff only, we will share copies with FRC team when it is populated):

Could I ask you to please go through the key docs (deployment, backups, monitoring, secrets, maintenance) and ensure that there is adequate information that another team member can pick up the sysadmin work if you are not around.

For the backups we need three things in place:

1) Periodic system snapshots (typically we should keep snapshots around for the dates when the last 2 or three releases are deployed on the server). So go and enable snapshots now and make a v1 snapshot. 2) Nightly snapshots: enable the nightly automatic snapshots in Hetzner cloud which will keep the rolling last 7 days of system images 3) Offline backups: This should be btsynced off there server to the NAS in Gavin’s office and to my machine. See how we did this in pro.app and copy the same approach but maybe use Rizky’s tower of Hanoi backup container rather so that we can manage storage nicely). Please share the read only keys in the secrets doc and let Gavin and myself know when they are available. Hopefully this is already in our orchestration, if not it needs to be added.

gubuntu commented 5 years ago

merge with #254