kartoza / geonode

GeoNode is an open source platform that facilitates the creation, sharing, and collaborative use of geospatial data.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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RFC: support ThinkHazard #160

Open gubuntu opened 7 years ago

gubuntu commented 7 years ago

To be broken out into separate issues

Geonode-QGIS-GeoSAFE in Labs Geonode must continue to support ThinkHazard (TH)

gubuntu commented 7 years ago

@timlinux :

Just bear in mind that our design brief was to publish XYZ layers through QGIS Server. Whilst we can theoretically open the QGIS WMS server port for public access, it will break the model of proxying requests through our django view and then using Django Guardian to ensure the user has permissions to access the requested tile.

gubuntu commented 7 years ago


So would the solution be for them to use the XYZ tile service instead of the WMS URL ? I think that would be fine for ThinkHazard. In more general, what kind of impact does that have with harvesting functions between GeoNode(s)? And connecting various nodes from OGC services?

With regards to the authentication, they are starting to work on this (right now they only import public layers into ThinkHazard) so does that change the way they should authenticate with GeoNode? Could we connect you with them so you can guide them in the best way to implement that?

gubuntu commented 7 years ago


Thanks again for the call and updates today. We didn't get to dive into these details during the call today. Can you please follow up on if you see anything of concern with the scripts? Specifically to make sure that GeoNode + QGIS Server will support standard OGC services and authentication.

If easier, we could schedule a quick call with Camp2Camp to walk us through those scripts and requirements. After they do the GeoNode + QGIS Server deployment themselves they will be able to test and report any issue. So, we could also wait for the install docs and have the call after that if needed. What do you think?

timlinux commented 7 years ago

@vdeparday wrote:

So would the solution be for them to use the XYZ tile service instead of the WMS URL ? I think that would be fine for ThinkHazard.

Yes this would be ideal

In more general, what kind of impact does that have with harvesting functions between GeoNode(s)? > And connecting various nodes from OGC services?

If you are trying to harvest data then tile services dont work so well. We have been discussing it here a bit and I think we can come up with a plan to proxy the W*S requests through django too so that the data itself can be retrieved if the correct credentials are provided. But I would put that lower down the priority stack if possible so that we can focus on getting the other key things sorted out.

With regards to the authentication, they are starting to work on this (right now they only import public layers into ThinkHazard) so does that change the way they should authenticate with GeoNode?

Currently the QGIS backend doesn't even use authentication - we will be adding it soon and then the normal GeoNode authentication process should apply.

Could we connect you with them so you can guide them in the best way to implement that?

Sure - I think Gavin's team might be better to do it, but I am happy to join in the conversation where needed.

cgiovando commented 7 years ago

@gubuntu can you please reach out to François and Frederic as discussed today to make sure they have everything they need to set up GeoNode with QGIS Server backend and GeoSAFE extension? That would be the first step, then we can look at the listed issues above. Thanks!

CC @fvanderbiest @fjacon @stufraser1

gubuntu commented 7 years ago

Hi @fvanderbiest @fjacon @stufraser1. Documentation is a WIP, please start with the README from https://github.com/kartoza/docker-geosafe

cc @cgiovando @lucernae

gubuntu commented 7 years ago