kartoza / geosafe

InaSAFE package for Geonode
GNU General Public License v3.0
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analysis summary thumbnail not loading #487

Closed gubuntu closed 5 years ago

gubuntu commented 5 years ago

https://geonode.ingc.gov.mz/geosafe/analysis/create/157 Screenshot 2018-11-15 at 12.35.08.png

myarjunar commented 5 years ago

there is indeed no thumbnail generated for this layer.. better assign it to thumbnail master cc @boney-bun


gubuntu commented 5 years ago

@myarjunar the layer itself is not loading in the geonode layer view https://geonode.ingc.gov.mz/layers/geonode:impact_analysis_1

lucernae commented 5 years ago

I can't think of any other explanations other than the impact layer files itself is missing.

NyakudyaA commented 5 years ago

@lucernae cc @gubuntu the layer is there but very big so I think it's just an issue with QGIS rendering the layer. analysis

If you try to render the layer nginx becomes unstable and sometimes times out. nginx

I think this issue is about improving the performance of QGIS - Maybe we need to seed the cache of layers nightly or maybe add a button in the admin to preseed a layer.

gubuntu commented 5 years ago

yip, that does seem to be the problem, it's drawing now. @NyakudyaA please create a new issue for that in the backlog

lucernae commented 5 years ago

But if QGIS who handled it can't open the layer, it will not be able to seed the layer reliably either. I also found out that there are permissions problem previously (QGIS Server not able to open the layer) So, QGIS thinks the layer doesn't exists. (Fixed this just now)

screen shot 2018-11-15 at 18 45 34

Then after it was able to read the layer, it hits the problem that @NyakudyaA 's mentioned. QGIS Server hits server timeout that it's Apache config allowed, causing timeout in django, then causing timeout in nginx.

Since our tile seeder generation relies on WMS request to QGIS Server, that seeding will not work in this case. Meanwhile, Report generation works nicely because Headless draws the layer using python API with direct QGISLayer connection (not via WMS). So the layer is there, the report is there, but we can't see it via GeoNode because it's too big.

Maybe recreate the analysis with smaller extents will work? (we know it works, it's just big)

NyakudyaA commented 5 years ago

@lucernae I wonder why QGIS server would have permissions problems for some layers and not all of them. Looking at the permissions for all layers it seems to be consistent across the folder. matrix

Unless maybe it needs to be rw-rw-rw for all layers.

lucernae commented 5 years ago

the folder for QGIS is in geonode/qgis_layer directory. I had the scripts that runs permission checks on it when django restarts. However, it doesn't seems to work previously.